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What A Difference A Decade Makes

Hello to all you knitters, spinners, bloggers and other interested parties. Carole’s husband Dale here. I get to be her guest blogger today because it’s her birthday and she should get the day off.

Carole and I, September 1996. We were both thinner. And we both had more hair. Ahem.

This is the 10th time that I’ve gotten to celebrate this day with Carole. That’s right. A decade of birthdays. I will not post her age (a guy can get in trouble for things like that) but I will remind you that last year she celebrated the big four-oh. You can probably figure out her age on your own, you’re a pretty smart bunch, I hear.

Carole and I both believe that birthdays are a great time to celebrate with a night out, or a party, or even a weekend get-away. We’ve even been known to do all three of those things for just one birthday. And honestly, some of our nicest mini-vacations have been when we’ve gone away to celebrate a birthday. For instance, we met Norma on Carole’s birthday get-away last year when we went to Vermont. And I’m sure Carole will be blogging about this year’s birthday trip. I hear she’s even planning a photo shoot with her new Moth shawl.

There I go, digressing again.

What I really want to do is reflect on birthdays in general and Carole’s in particular. I think a birthday should be a time to look back over the past year. Truly, it’s what you’ve done with those 365 days that’s important and a birthday celebration should be two-fold. It should celebrate what you’ve done, who you’ve spent your time with, and where you’ve gone during the past year. And it should also be a time to look forward to the beginning of a new year in your life. A time to anticipate what you’ll do, who you’ll do it with, and where you’ll go. It’s kind of like your own personal Happy New Year!

I know that this last year Carole has had a ball and a very big part of that is because of all of you out there that are reading this. It has been a fabulous year for friends, new and old, and trips and fiber and spinning wheels and so on and so on. You’ve all been there for my Carole. You’ve cheered her on, you’ve offered advice, you’ve consoled her and supported her and you’ve been her friends. No one knows what next year will bring. But I do know, for Carole, that it will include all of you.

Thanks for tuning in and wishing Carole a happy birthday. Oh, and one last thing.

Carole? You’re just as cute now as you were when this picture was taken almost 41 years ago. I love ya!


Comments (134)

  1. Happy birthday, Carole! Congratulations on another wonderful year and your good fortune in selecting a husband who is obviously in the top 99th percentile in awesomeness.

  2. I am dating a man now and we are playing around the edges of marriage. I am sending him this blog so that he knows EXACTLY what my standards for husband material are. Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday Carole! I e-mailed you with my problem before I saw it was your birthday. You can ignore it and enjoy your day! 🙂

  4. Dale, what a lovely tribute to birthdays, and to your wonderful girl. She is very much a treasure, and I’m glad she’s got you to remind her !

    Happy Birthday you wonderful lady!!!!!

  5. Dale, what a lovely tribute to birthdays, and to your wonderful girl. She is very much a treasure, and I’m glad she’s got you to remind her !

    Happy Birthday you wonderful lady!!!!!

  6. carole! happy birthday! i’m so glad that we got to meet this year. yes indeed, it has been a very good year for you 😉

    and dale, such a lovely post in carole’s honor. really.

  7. waaaaaaaaaaw… what a beautiful-romantic-sweet-super-lovely birthday post!! Carole you’re the luckiest girl on earth!!!! 🙂
    Have a great Birthday!!!!!!!!!

  8. Happy birthday Carole. You were a beautiful baby. I grew up with a siamese cat too. He was my best friend for 14 years.

    Great post Dale!

  9. AWW!! Happy Birthday Carole!!! I hope you celebrate it in a very special way!

    And what an awesome birthday post, Dale. I will advise her that it’s a good idea to keep you around. heh 🙂

  10. OK, he’s a keeper, but we knew that. Great perspective, Dale. Much wisdom in that own personal New Year idea. I think I’ll adopt that.

    Happy birthday, Carole!

  11. Happy Birthday, Carole! Tell Dale he brought tears to my eyes… you are well-deserving of all the love, being so warm-hearted and funny, and just plain smart and good-looking. Hope you have a grand time celebrating. I agree with his philosophy; celebrate and make the most of it.

  12. OK, he’s a keeper, but we knew that. Great perspective, Dale. Much wisdom in that own personal New Year idea. I think I’ll adopt that.

    Happy birthday, Carole!

  13. OK, he’s a keeper, but we knew that. Great perspective, Dale. Much wisdom in that own personal New Year idea. I think I’ll adopt that.

    Happy birthday, Carole!

  14. Dale, you are a gem. I like your perspective, and I’m very glad Carole such a wonderful guy.

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLE! (I no idea our birthdays were so close together…next year, I know exactly where your birthday trip should take you! HERE!)

  15. Happy Birthday Carole! You’re a lucky woman to have found such a wonderful guy. Hope you both enjoy the birthday celebration.

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