I told myself last Friday that if my hair came out good I'd put on…
T is for Tree
This maple tree is in the back of the library parking lot. I see it every morning when I round the corner and head for the staff parking area. At this particular time of year, when the colors are vibrant and the sun hits it just right, it’s absolutely breathtaking.
In just a few days those leaves will be on the ground.
In a few months there will be snow on the branches.
And then a few months later there will be loads of teeny leaves in my favorite shade of green.
Very shortly after that the leaves will grow and darken into a rich deep green.
And then they will burnish and turn red all over again.
I love living in New England.
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Maple trees are truly nature’s wonder. And I agree with you about New England — I LOVE it too. (Email this back to me in late Feb., okay?!?)
Me too!
I saw a tree today during my commute that made me remember the reasons I love living in New England. This post emphasizes all those reasons!
Please remind me that I was feeling all kinds of New England weather love when the snow falls and the temperature plummets in February, okay?
I’ve got to agree with everyone else. I love New England but I seem to forget the love when it’s Feb.
Boy, that tree is singing!
As much as I dislike winter, I do enjoy the seasonal changes and all that goes with that, especially the gorgeous cycles of trees. That one is spectacular. Now I’m really looking forward to the scenary on the drive to Rhinebeck!
How can you not when NE provides such wonderful colors?
And kudos for actually using your handspun for more than …uh…. what was it? Bookshelf decorations?
Beautiful photo for T, Carole! We all have reasons to enjoy where we live but yes – New England is quite enviable any time of the year. 🙂
I miss the New England splash of colors. especially the deep reds of the oaks. We mostly have yellow maples here. thanks for the beautiful photo.
How beautiful. I want to visit New England to see the colors one of these days. How lucky you are!
I feel like I lived through a full year in one blog entry! Beautiful tree!
That is a stunner. Of course I’m going to do T for tree, too. It’s raining today, so I can’t get a decent shot of my favorite tree. There is a maple much like yours down the street from us — there are several maples on the street, but this particular one is literally a breath-taker-away, every year. I especially love the kinds of maple (I am not sure what variety they are — sugar maple? silver maple? red? not sure) that has the multi-color autumn leaves — that each leave is partly yellow, partly red. You know the ones?
Anyhoo, I guess I’ll hold up my T and fall further behind so I can get a really great shot of my pin oak when it (hopefully) turns its crimson red a little later.
You are definitely making me miss New England! NJ just doesn’t have that kind of color. I hope it will soon though….
Now we’ll be expecting pics of all these stages ya know.
Beautiful! We don’t have maples down here so there isn’t much red when the leaves turn.
Me too. 🙂 Maples and oaks… I’ll take that over palm trees any day. 😉
Maples do give quite the “ahhhhhh” factor to New England living. Well worth having to clean up the leaves. I’m planning to get some photos of my favorite maple soon.
I do too, but I wish you wouldn’t use the s-word.
Fall was about the only time of year I really loved living there! So pretty!
Don’t you just love how it is possible to form a connection with a tree you see every day? Thanks for sharing the photo and the story.
such a pretty tree
I miss all the colors of being farther east. That tree is spectacular. I do have a really nice red one in the next door neighbor’s yarn to look at when I’m sitting outside though… That is some consolation!
I love seeing your New England trees. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, I don’t know what’s prettier, that tree, or the cable in the post below, or that seed stitch baby sweater……
sigh…I love Maple Trees. We have a huge one (over 100 years old) in our front yard and we have planted a few (although we are not expecting huge things in our lifetime). The Maple Tree and it’s yummy syrup are just the quitessential aspects of life in the North part of North America – I love it!!!!
I love watching the leaves change colors too. 🙂
I’m jealous. Our trees just mess with drainage. :/
All the seasons of a maple are lovely, including the snow. Can’t write off 25%of our year, now, can we?
Gorgeous! It’s been so windy here that we’re not having a very colorful fall.
Gorgeous. The leaves are off most of the trees here already.