A long long time ago I made enough quilt blocks for a log cabin quilt…
Want A Quilt?
Not to worry, this isn’t turning into a quilting blog. BUT. I actually quilted at quilting a few weeks ago and I have a bit of bragging to do.
This quilt was a true collaborative effort of my entire “Hungry Crafters” group. You might remember that my quilt group used to be called the “Hungry Quilters” but since these days most of us often knit instead of quilt, we have changed our name to “Hungry Crafters”. You’ll notice: we’re still hungry. You’ll also notice: we still get together every Wednesday. It’s the getting together that matters, not the hobby pursued while we’re together.
In any case, this quilt was put together by all six of us. Some of us pieced and some of us cut and some of us pressed. The color scheme was my idea but everyone contributed scraps for the project. Lois did the quilting and I sewed the binding in place. It’s being donated to the History Alliance at Hannah’s school. They will sell raffle tickets for a fundraiser for this year’s trip to Richmond, VA. Hannah visited New York City with this group last year and will be going on this year’s trip as well so it’s fitting that those of us who love and support Hannah should make this contribution on her behalf.
I don’t have details yet on the tickets but I will soon. In the meantime, if anyone wants to buy tickets, let me know. I’ll cover the cost of shipping the quilt to you if you should win.
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Oh, I soooo want a ticket or two! (At least!) I’m a sucker for a fundraiser of any sort, but then there are the ones that I really WANT to participate in…. This is just too beautiful to pass up the chance. And I’m close enough that I could just zip on over to the school to pick it up when I win. 🙂 (Why wait for shipping if I could touch it sooner?) Carole, it’s simply beautiful.
Count me in for tickets! Piecing is still something I want to learn.
A chance (or three) to win that quilt? Please. Sign me up.
A lovely quilt! Beautiful collaborative effort and the color scheme is outstanding!
It’s gorgeous and is just the thing for my house. :-). I’m in!
Wow, it’s beautiful! I’d love to learn how to quilt someday, the pieces you’ve made are incredible.
Is it silly that I think it’s cooler for being a collaborative effort rather than a solitary one?
It’s gorgeous and is just the thing for my house. :-). I’m in!
Definitely. Let me know when tickets are available! I have ancestral ties to East Bridgewater, so I’ve just got to try. ; )
It’s a beautiful quilt, I have to say I really really like your haul from Rhinebeck!
It is beautiful! I love the colors.
A wonderful piece – love the RWB color scheme. I’d happily purchase a couple tickets.
Count me in for tickets too! Getting a piece of collaborative work from the Hungry Crafters would be a prize posession.
(Maybe the daughters of the Hungry Crafters should get together and nab an ‘apprenticeship!’)
Beautiful quilt! Count me in for tickets!
That quilt is gorgeous!
It’s really amazing Carole!
Gorgeous!!! Count me in on a few raffle tickets! The quilts here are getting a little worn and tired 🙂
It’s stunning. And you’re afraid of cables… why?
It’s beautiful…count me in too.
Wow, THAT’S gorgeous. I love how you just sort of say, “Oh, yeah, and I forgot. I just whipped this little thing up.” (with help, of course) That should do incredibly for a raffle item!
Oohhh, sign me up :). I would love to win it.
What a fabulous quilt! Count me in too please!
Wow, that is really gorgeous. What a thoughtful thing to do.
Count me in for the raffle, and in the (unlikely) event I’m the lucky winner, I’ll come pick it up in person!
definately let me know what tickets will cost – I’m in 🙂
Also, loved your Winebeck (err, Rhinebeck) posts – what gorgeous things you bought. The Bird’s Nest shawl that I began recently on takes 440 yards 🙂
Count me in for tickets too!
oh that’s beautiful. i want to win it. count me in for a couple of tickets. and like betty, if i win, (which means she won’t) i’ll pick it up too.
I’d love to buy some tickets! Please tell us how…
Beautiful :o)
It’s a beauty!!
What a work of art, way to go Hungry Crafters! And the name by the way, Hungry Crafters I love it, because where there’s a craft gathering there is always great food.
Carole, that’s beautiful!
Yes, please – a few tickets for me, too! That quilt is awesome!!!!
I’d love to buy some tickets. I just bought some for the quilt from our local guild. It’ll be great to have 2 new quilts :)!
Excellant job you all did on this quilt!
I’m in for some tickets! I would love to learn to quilt, but since I just don’t have the time, WINNING a quilt would be just as nice 🙂
That’s a beatiful quilt. I love the color scheme. I’m interested in some tickets too.
It is beautiful, Carole. I’m sure it will be a big fund raising success. When I taught, this was the kind of thing we always had success with in our annual silent auction. You are right, it show the student just how much his/her education means to you. It sound like it’s going to be a great trip too.
What a beautiful quilt! I love the colors.
I’d love some raffle tickets.
Another Log Cabin quilt! Who wouldn’t want it? I looooove Log Cabin quilts.
Oooh, oooh! Count me in when you get the tickets.
OMG that quilt is amazing! I love that it was a collaboration – it makes it all the more special.
I would love to get a ticket or two let me know when you have details. Thanks 🙂
PS it is absolutely gorgeous
I’m in awe of your quilting skills! You all did a fantastic job!
Gorgeous quilt! I’m in!
Gorgeous quilt! I’m in!
I love the quilt – sign me up for tickets! Is there a price break for buying more?
Incredible work! It’s absolutely gorgeous!
i’d love to buy some tickets!