Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
A Tisket, A Tasket
A charity knitting basket
What you see here is my newest Longaberger basket with the items I finished during Knit Unto Others. One red scarf and three hats for Christmas At Sea. You’d think I would have more two show for two weeks of exclusive charity knitting but that’s all folks.
The prizes have been posted over at Knit Unto Others. Margene and I want to thank you all so much for the knitting you did during these two weeks. It really warmed our hearts to see so many participants this year. And you can bet we’ll be back next year to harass you about this again.
Oh, yeah. In case you’re wondering, yes, that is snow on my deck. Now that we’ve had our first snowfall of the season I suppose I might be persuaded to roll down the back window of the Jeep down. Maybe.
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A basket of cute warm snugglies! Thanks for harassing us – please do it again every year. 🙂
I recognize that basket.. 🙂
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to participate during the actual Knit Unto Others timeframe – my charity knitting starts this weekend.
That’s a mighty nice basket. The stuff inside is even nicer. Remember every bit helps!
As long as the heater works well why bother;-)
I gave my hats to Val and didn’t take pictures but I did knit 4 hats. I was a slacker this time around.
Wow! I am so jealous of your snow. the basket and it’s contents are lovely. Thanks for the providing the inspiration to KUO.
I was going to say the same thing as Karen, every little bit helps. It’s really the thought that counts, and you were kind enough to spend your time knitting lovely gifts for charity, and that’s what really matters.
That’s funny – it almost looks like a fake felt background if you hadn’t pointed out it was real snow. Also, I think you might want to hold out until next week – this weekend is supposed to be sunny and beautiful!
Hee hee! I see the snow made it to you after all. Given it was just a matter of time!
Oohhh, I love Longaberger baskets. And the knits are beautiful!
Thank you to you and Margene for doing this. I got a good bit done on my RSP scarf.
That’s a basket more than you had 2 weeks ago!
That’s a well-stocked basket!
Funny, we didn’t get any snow at all yesterday. Amazing the difference a few miles can make.
we also did not get one single flake. but this morning at the train in franklin which is 9 miles away, there was still some snow on the ground.
hey, good thing i didn’t plan to meet you guys for spinning. i was at work until 7:30 last night.
Snow. Sigh. Want some.
Snow — I am jealous. We didn’t get any even though they teased us with a 4-6 inch forecast.
We’ve had no snow yet. The sky is looking ominous, though.
Despite my best intentions I completed only one red scarf during KUO — luckily there’s no law that says I can’t keep knitting.
I got to work early enough to miss all the snow. Just a little drizzle as I got close to the Mother House. Snow!
Pray you have a late menopause, grrl.
That’s quite a lovely basket of love you have there.
Oh please don’t say that 4 objects isn’t very much. I also only knit 4 items, but dang … those scarves can take some time!
I see my name listed on the Knit Unto Others Site for prizes (unless someone else who participated also spells their name the same), but the link is to flufferknitterdeb. So… is it safe to be excited that I won something?
Yay for Knit Unto Others! There were so many things knit this year! What’s the final count? Pretty L basket. Perfect shape for displaying yarn and scarfs and great color for the season. 🙂
Lovely basket and great handknit goodies! I think KUO was a grand success — congrats to both you and Margene!
Carole, your basket full of goodies are wonderful. Snow too! : )
I think 3 hats and a scarf is pretty respectable for 2 weeks time.
What a beautiful basket! The snow was pretty today but I’m happy we only got a little!
Nice photo! My feeling is this isn’t supposed to be a competition… you did what fit.
Nice! Next year, I’ll be back!
congrats on another successful year of a great idea KUO – AND for having your first snow of the season. How fun!
Great looking basket, and 4 items in two weeks is nothing to sneeze at.
Nice basket of goodies, I hope to join you next year!