I Would Walk 500 100 Miles

I’d like to draw your attention to the sidebar for a minute. Could you look over to the left, please? (If you’re reading this in Bloglines or Google Reader you’re going to need to visit the actual blog to see what I’m talking about.) There’s some really good information there about my life and how I spend my time, as evidenced by the blog buttons. I actually like to think of those buttons as bumper stickers for my blog. There are only 4 buttons right now and, in case you didn’t know, I list them in chronological order according to when the program ends. And once the program ends those buttons are gone forever. ABC Along? Gone as of Monday. 200Sox? Also gone as of Monday. In other words, the buttons that are there are the things I’m currently doing.

The Red Scarf Project, Twisted Knitters and Sock Madness have been listed for a while and you’ve probably heard about all of those already. But there’s a new one there at the bottom of the pile.

100 Miles by April 1.

This is Rachael’s brilliant idea and I signed up for it just yesterday when I read about it on Maryse’s blog. As the name implies, those joining this have pledged to walk 100 miles by April 1st. That’s a lot of miles but I think I’m up to the challenge. I need to get back to the Y and I clearly need some motivation to do it. And this is going to be my motivation. Actually, this and all of you because I’m hoping you’ll hold me to this commitment.

If I had any doubts about whether I should be doing this or not, well, my new calendar gave me all the confirmation I needed. See, I got to work yesterday and hung up my new Sheep in the Meadow calendar. When I saw the picture for January I knew I was on the right track.

A mile walked with a friend contains only a hundred steps.

I sure hope that’s true because 100 miles is a lot of freakin’ steps. Even with all of you walking with me.

Comments (47)

  1. I have been thinking about doing that myself. My only obstacle is that I hate the cold weather and do not have a treadmill. I guess I can find 100 excuses NOT to do it, but the bottom line is, I need to just do it!

    OK, I think I just convinced myself – once I figure out how to add one of those buttons to my blog, I will be on the wagon too!

  2. Great goal! Is it 100 miles counting all the miscellaneous steps most of us do every day anyway? Or 100 miles dedicated only to this goal? Either way, I think it’s an excellent idea.

  3. Allright lady, you’ve convinced me. It’s a mild winter and I know I can do this. I’ve even got decent walking shoes that are in good shape. I signed up and I’ve double-checked my distances with google pedometer for my usual routes so I’m all set. First miles will be logged after I get home from grocery shopping. I really dislike walking alone but now I’ll really be walking with loads of knitters, right? 🙂

  4. It’s not *that* far. I loathe exercise and only run if chased. However, I do like walking. Two miles takes me maybe half an hour. I can do that four or five times a week and I’m there! Break it up into small increments and it’s very easy.

  5. That’s it, I’m in! I gained weight over the last few months and definitely need to get out and walk it off. 100 miles is reasonable. I even have a pedometer.

  6. Love the calendar. And that message that hits the same day you first consider the 100 mile concept, hey, the universe is with you. And me too. Did a mile yesterday.

  7. Good luck with this! I know you can do it (me on the other hand… not so much. But I’m trying to get back to yoga at least!)

  8. Good for you! I think it’s a great idea. 🙂

    And you know, it’s possible to knit socks while walking… just a thought. 😉

  9. Good goal! I can relate to comment about walking in the dark, being a before-work exerciser, so I hopped on the old exercycle the past two mornings and peddled 3 miles each time… can I count that?

  10. What a cool idea and your beautiful calendar certainly confirms it! I haven’t joined an “along” for a little while, but I’m thinking this will be the first one of the year for me :-)!

  11. If non-knitters are allowed to join – I’m in with ya!!!

    I’ve been out of the gym for 3 weeks with a million less-than-adequate excuses.

    Let’s motivate each other.

    Love ya,

  12. I’ll be pulling for you…right now I can’t walk until the physical therapist releases me…another 6 weeks…but, I can do yoga, so, I will do that!

  13. Wooohooo, what an inspiration for us all. I am going to join you. I have no blog, but will keep up. 100 miles, that is only about 1 mile a day. Surely we can do it. Let’s go girls……

  14. You can totally do the 100 miles. 3 miles 3 times a week and you’re golden. I’ve thought about joining, too. I’ve already got my first 3 miles in ’cause I ran on New Year’s Day. Get movin’ woman!! You can do it!!!

  15. The calendar and the 100-mile challenge — I love it when a plan comes together! I had read Rachel’s challenge as soon as she put it up and thought, “That’s a great idea but I’m not going to do it. No way I can do 100 miles and I’m not even sure I want to. Although it would be good for me. Whatever…” But I think you have inspired me. My husband recently bought a treadmill. When he was thinking about buying it he asked my opinion, and I said, “If you want to, great, go for it, but I’m not really interested in walking on a tread mill. If I walk I’d rather do it outside.” But you have inspired me. I WILL use that treadmill, and I WILL walk outside, weather permitting.

    I told you all that to say this: even if you — any of you commenters — don’t make the entire 100 miles, you will still have walked 99 or 49 or 19 miles more than you would have otherwise. And that’s a good thing.

  16. I am trying to get on the treadmill more often. I wonder if I will be able to do all the 100 miles that way – oh, and the dog does love to go for walks. It would be an added incentive to join with everyone else.

  17. Oh! That calendar is perfect!

    I think you may have just talked me into joining. Wool knows, my ass could sure use it!

  18. We’re up to 140 people already! I told her yesterday I bet we’ll easily hit 200+. So glad you’re doing it too! We can DO IT!

  19. Could I actually do this? I’ve been thinking “these people are nutty” as I read about this on blog after blog, but I *was* thinking I should exercise more (I didn’t put it on my list because I should always exercise more).

  20. I’m walking too Carole. I need to put the button on my blog too I guess. So far I have 3.6 miles… I guess I’d better pick up the pace!

  21. Fantastic! I’m doing it too. You’re already ahead of me, I haven’t made the time to go to the gym yet this week. Good luck!

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