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Bloomin’ Feet Socks Finis

I finished the socks for the Bloomin’ Feet Sock Swap at the end of last week and blocked them over the weekend. The pattern is the Merino Lace Socks from the Interweave Knits Favorite Socks book.


Aren’t they pretty? The yarn is Schaefer Anne, which I’ve knit with before for my Swallowtail Shawl, but this is the first time I’ve actually used it for socks. It’s very soft and very fine and has a nice halo from the mohair content. It sort of stripes but not really and the colors blend together in a lovely fashion.


I chose this particular pattern because of something very specific my sock pal said. I’m not going to give it away but, if the recipient is reading this post and remembers what she wrote in her questionnaire, well, this picture is a pretty big hint. As for the pattern, there were some details that were kind of wacky. Beth wrote about the heel issue and Anne clued me in that there was an error in the charts for the foot. But even more than that, I felt the directions were lacking a bit. I’ve knit plenty of socks on circular needles before and that’s a good thing because the pattern didn’t really provide great instructions on that technique, even though it was written for that method. I took good notes and moved forward because I liked the design so much but be warned, there are some glitches.


I made one of my standard sock labels – the name is blacked out so no hints there – and will be shipping them off with some other goodies today.

Hope you like them, sock pal!

Comments (50)

  1. Carole, Your socks are gorgeous! You sock pal is a lucky woman!

    The sock label is such a good idea! How do you do that?

  2. Someone’s going to have happy feet! Those socks are so beautiful! Kudos for working thru a pattern that is hard to understand!

  3. VERY nice! In fact, I wouldn’t be a bit unhappy if those wound up in my mailbox. (Not that I’m participating in the swap, but I’m just saying they could “get lost” by the Post Office.)

  4. Everything about those socks look so cool – the color, the pattern and even the iris on the label. Whoever gets them is so lucky. I really do have to put that book on my wish list.

  5. lovely – fabulous – gorgeous.
    The yarn is lovely, the pattern amazing. Sorry you had some glitches in the pattern; yet it appears that you have conquered it – and created some true gems! lucky pal.

  6. maybe it’s the season, but those socks look like crocuses. (beautiful work as always) Your sock pal will love them. I was about three weeks behind on blog reading and I want you to know that Halle enjoyed the blog too.

  7. I just love your sock sleeve and confess that I have copied that idea on occasion. Mine never look as nice as yours do, though.

  8. Oh, I love them!!!! I will have to remember that there are errors in the pattern. It is on my list of patterns to make. I love the color.

  9. Oh, I would love it if I were your pal. Based on this post, I don’t think they’re headed my way (boo), but whoever the recipient is, she’s one lucky gal!

  10. I suppose I should add Schaefer Anne to my “must try” list. Your bloomin feet pal is very very lucky and I’m sure she’ll be thrilled with them. They are beautiful!

  11. What a lucky pal! I have some Schaeffer Anne in the stash I’d like to try sometime. (Is there really anything I *don’t* have in the stash at this point though:-)

  12. They are beauties indeed – from other posts it sounds like some of us would like to see a sock-label-how-to blog post!!

  13. Who wouldn’t like them? Blue isn’t my fave color, but I would be very happy in these socks! They are lovely! And what a nice heal detail.

  14. Great socks! Oddly enough, I never seem to find any colors of Anne that I like in person, but I see them on blogs all the time and love them. I’m having the same experience with the IK book. Didn’t like it when I looked at it in person, but I love the socks that are popping up on blogs now.

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