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Look Who’s Two!

Before the Great Back Crisis of ’07 and Fourth of July and the Tour de Fleece, there was a Birthday Party. Yes, that’s a Birthday Party with a capital “B” and a capital “P” because it was the Birthday Party of our very special granddaughter, Ambrynn. It’s hard to believe it, but she’s TWO. And there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, terrible about this two year old.

Look at that face! Nothing but sweetness there, I’ll tell you.

And boy does she love her Grandpa. So does Patrick, as you can see. And the love is written all over Grandpa’s face, isn’t it? When Dale walked into the backyard and Ambrynn saw him she rose up on her little toes and said, “My grandpa’s here! My grandpa’s here!” And then she ran across the yard right into his arms. Made my heart soar, I’ll tell ya.

Being a birthday party, there were presents. Lots and lots of presents. There was a guitar that she loved and a silly ball that she tossed around and lots of Wiggles themed things because Ambrynn just loves her some Wiggles.

We gave her a few silly gifts and a doll, along with the hat I knit for her – that she put right on her head. It’s a bit small but I think I can block it bigger and she’ll at least get the summer out of it. We also gave her (and her parents, truly) a Web Cam. The move to Florida is only a few weeks away and we’re hoping this will help her to remember who we are.

Once the presents were opened it was time for cake. Ambrynn listened sweetly while we sang and then, as soon as the singing ended and the candle was blown out, she announced loudly, “Ambrynn needs a fork!”

And a fork you shall have, sweetheart. Enjoy your cake and Happy Birthday, with all the love in the world from Nana and Grandpa.

This Post Has 54 Comments

  1. Unbelievable… she gets more gorgeous every time you post a photo of her! And yes, Dale definitely looks like a happy grandpa! 🙂 My dad is the “favorite” great-uncle of all the kids and my family … and it takes a very tough man (my dad is) to be called “uncle boobie” b/c they couldn’t say “bob”. 🙂 webcam is a great idea! keep trolling those internet flight deals too….

  2. Very Special Happy B-day Ambrynn! BTW…I LOVE your name! Such a cutie too…
    Nana & Grandpa have all the reason in the world to love you!

  3. She’s one beautiful child! Belated Happy Birthday! Love the tiara and her hat- I think you’re right about the blocking.

  4. My kids often WebCam with their Florida grandparents. A little unsolicited advice: we found that Skype was the easiest way to accomplish this.

    Just FYI.

  5. Sounds like a fabulous birthday party. I love the birthday tiara. Every woman should have a fluffy, sparkly birthday tiara.

  6. What a cutie!! Grandchildren truly are the best, aren’t they. It will be hard for you when the move down south, but the camera was a great idea!

  7. Oh my, how cute! Happy birthday to Ambrynn.
    The web cam is a very good idea to help her remember you after the move. Sending lots of pictures is also a very good idea!

  8. Happy Birthday to Ambrynn! Our littlest grandson turns two next month and he is crazy about his grampa, too. He calls him “Gumpa”. Well, he calls me Gumpa, too, but we won’t talk about that!

  9. Lovely! You’ll love the web cam! We use ours all the time to “talk” to the cousins in San Diego. It’s great!

  10. I have a sweet two year old that I am Nana to. She is on the couch taking a nap right now. I will be moving 4 hours away real soon. It breaks my heart that I won’t get to see her very often. A web cam sounds like a good thing! I will be thinking of you and praying for you and Dale in the next couple of weeks. Long distance grandparenting is so not fun! Happy Birthday Ambrynn.

  11. I LOVE IT! At least she waited until the end of the song to request her fork! I’m so glad you got to celebrate her birthday before they leave. The web cam is going to be ideal!

  12. Oh my, moving…. yeah, hugs to you and Dale! Those kids’ll be pretty techno savvy because they’re going to want to use the web cam all the time to talk with you!

  13. When my daughter moved away, I called every day to talk to the baby…I was so afraid he’d forget who I was between visits! Now, both of the boys certainly know their Mimi, but I do miss them so much. Ambrynn and Patrick are beautiful children, Carole.

  14. I keep wondering when they are going and I’m preparing to be sad with you. But this day looks like it was fantastic!

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