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Winter Wonderland

Here’s a summary of our house last Thursday night.


The weather outside was frightful


But the fire was so delightful


It was the perfect night for our favorite Rankin Bass Christmas specials, hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps, and decorating the Christmas Tree.

Let it snow, indeed!

Comments (29)

  1. Just like a Christmas story! And I didn’t get a chance to tell you how very fantastic your craft studio is! Just perfect!

  2. We watched the Santa shows last night too! And my house was cleaned up, dinner was all set and there were cookies baking. It was nice. This morning was a bit of a shock. 🙂

  3. Really, this post is like a Christmas card. It’s so true that when we can be warned, and heed the warning, about these storms (and the power doesn’t go out), they can provide the BEST times. Glad yours was great!

  4. That looks like our Sunday! I’ll have to go get some peppermint schnapps. Several people have mentioned it recently, and every time, I think how yummy it sounds!

  5. I like the last photo where I can see your wheel peaking out from the next room.
    Did you get more snow yesterday or just rain?

  6. Oh snow! I really hope that we get a lot of it this year even though that’s unlikely. You really know how to enoy the cold weather.

  7. My favorite special is the one with Snow Miser and Heat Miser, although Rudolph is a classic.

    We had a day like that yesterday. Just wonderful.

  8. 5 1/2-hour commute home Thursday. Second weekend storm cancels our holiday party. Bah, humbug. (But we did have a fire yesterday, and I admit it was quite nice.)

  9. Those were some of my favorte shows to watch when I was little. It sounds like a great time!

    Do you want to come down here and decorate my tree? It’s had some of the lights on it for a week, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. 🙂

  10. My husband and I had a fire too. The Boy went to grandma’s house so it was safe.

    We ate a big dinner, sat by the fire and watched TV shows that didn’t have Big Bird or Mickey Mouse in it.


    Now if I could just get my tree up…

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