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Merry Christmas ’07

I’ve got two new ornaments on my tree.

Some mittens. Aren’t they cute?

And a wee little Santa hat. Also very cute.

I had planned on making more of these but, well, you know how those sorts of plans often go. Truly, though, they are very fast. Twenty minutes per item, max. It doesn’t get much quicker than that!

Tonight our house will be bursting at the seams with family and friends. I’ve baked dozens of cookies and yesterday Dale and I made 180 Swedish meatballs. Today I’ll be stuffing finger sandwiches, baking beans and a ham, and making lots of deviled eggs. Mmmmm.

You can be certain that while I’m doing all those things I’ll be thinking of you. I wish we could all spend Christmas Eve together – what a party that would be!

A toast to my blog readers. Merry Christmas from all of us at Carole Knits!

Comments (54)

  1. How sweet. The mittens, the hat, the sentiments. I’m glad you said you’d be thinking of us, because I’m often thinking the same thing, wishing that all us knitters could gather for a big holiday bash. Cheers to you. Have a fun party!

  2. Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas! SWAK (sealed with a knit)

    Me, I have champagne in the beer fridge so everything is WONDERFUL!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    I’ll bet your house smells fab by the end of the day! At least if we’re sitting there knitting I’d have to keep my hands out of the deviled egg platter! VBG!

  4. Love the little mittens and hat Carole. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Cheers 🙂

  5. Next year I am going to do one of my little trees in all kinds of Christms knitted goodies.

    Merry Christmas to all of you at Carole Knits-may your holidays be blessed and bright!!

  6. Love your ornaments Carole! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a lovely time tonight! It’s a time to be thankful for blessings, and I feel very blessed to have found you as a blog friend!

  7. Oh what a party that would be!:) Merry Christmas to you and yours! Have a meatball for me k, better make that two meatballs 🙂 Enjoy!

  8. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year! Thanks for all your blogging – I look forward to reading it each day.

    Enjoy your company tonight….

  9. What a party indeed!! I think I’m coming for Valentine’s day though. I mean Swedish meatballs are delicious and all, but it’s the cream puffs that I’m after! 😉

    Merry, Merry Christmas, Carole, Dale, Hannah and the rest of the clan!

  10. Lurching out of Lurkdom to wish you a Merry Christmas! I enjoy reading you regularly and thank you for the great reading…j

  11. Merry Christmas! Keep pointing me to other great blogs, especially food blogs. So tasty.

    Off to make happy mittens. 🙂

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