Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Weird Days
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words, warm thoughts and heartfelt prayers on Dale’s behalf. We both read every comment and were truly comforted by them.
The healing continues, albeit too slowly for Dale as I think he’d like to have this completely behind him already. He’s got a ways to go. The eye is turning a lovely shade of yellow. Wanna see?
Pretty, yes? It’s so weird because from the right he looks absolutely fine and I sort of “forget” how awful he looks on the left until he turns his head. I get a little shock every time.
I’ve been trying to find some comfort in knitting, spinning and cooking but I’m still pretty rattled. Saturday I had to go buy a spring form pan and I got lost going to the store. Then when I got to the store I couldn’t for the life of me remember why I was there. It all came back to me eventually but I kept wandering around in a fog until I finally just went home. And then when I got home I climbed into bed with Dale and just cried and cried. I guess you could say that’s when it hit me.
Sunday I continued to be distracted and easily confused. I miscalculated how long the ham would take to cook and we wound up eating at 5 instead of 3. I forgot to put out the fresh pineapple that I had bought especially for Dale and I didn’t serve the rolls. I think you all know me well enough to know that this is really unlike me. I’m chalking it all up to a bit of leftover trauma and hoping I’ll be back to my organized little self soon.
In the meantime, look at this:
We let Hannah hide the plastic eggs this year and she put one of them inside a wall sconce. Luckily, Patrick spied it (and we smelled it) before she burned down the house. That would have been the frosting on the cake for this particular weekend, eh?
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Time heals all wounds, physical and emotional. Be gentle with yourself.
Time heals all wounds, both physical and emotional.
You and Dale had a huge scare. Be gentle with yourself.
(sorry for the double post. my computer hiccuped and I thought my first comment had been lost.)
As bad as it all sounds, I think you have a guardian angel! That thing could have REALLY hurt Dale and you (your angel) smelled the egg before anything happened! I’m sending tons of healing thoughts to Dale and you for your PTSD and I’m here if you need a shoulder! (((((Carole and Dale)))))
Poor baby. Aftershock for sure, but hey, you didn’t do all that bad really.
All the what coulda’s are crashing into you. Of course you’re rattled. You need hugs every bit as much as Dale does. I hope you can feel the ones I’m sending!
You know, as bad as his eye looks, the colors are really nice together. I can see a yarn in that colorway: “Dale’s Bruise”, in golds and eggplant. 🙂
Whew….thankfully you all found that plastic egg! I agree, your guardian angel was watching over you and your family this week.
Sounds like all the stress and emotion of the situation hit you at once.
Given how much Dale means to you it’s not surprising that this has hit you hard (especially after losing your friend so suddenly last summer). And the melting egg is freaky too – you clearly have a guardian angel looking out for you.
Oh My! I can relate…one of those times when you’d just like to go back to bed start all over again.
Hang in there…it’ll get better.
Oh honey! Sounds like everyone is a bit shaken. But your blessings are many and cleary someone is looking our for all of you. Today will be better.
OH Carole! I missed the first entry, am so glad that, as bad as it looks (and I’m sure it doesn’t feel all that good, where Dale is concerned) that he’s going to be fine. And the egg thing? Whew. Another close call. But I bet Hannah learned a valuable lesson – much as my DD did when she put a paperbag of popcorn into our first microwave. She’d closed the bag with a paperclip!
Sending all of you….
Those sound like perfectly normal reactions to me. *hug*
I suspect you are glad to have this weekend behind you. The shock will last a while though.
I missed a day of computer reading and logged on today to see that Dale was hurt…I am so sorry. That was pretty close to his eye…
Hope you are doing okay…I can imagine you were pretty rattled! Thinking of both of you and sending good wishes….
Take it easy. Trauma does weird things to your head. I’m sure that you and Dale will both bounce back really soon.
After a weekend like that, it’s no surprise that you’re having a hard time. It looks like Dale’s eye is starting to heal, and you’ll need a little bit of time to recover, as well. Take care.
The weirdness must STOP! Yikes… scary stuff happening over there! I am still at a loss for words over what happened to Dale (completely amazed that he wasn’t admitted to the hospital for observation after such a whack on the head)… just hoping all is right and well very soon.
You’ll definitely be back to you usual self soon. There have been things in my life that have affected me similarly and it does get better.
I’m really glad the egg was found!
Glad that egg was found in time! So who’s dyeing up a skein of Dale’s Bruise? Dave should since he mentioned it first 🙂 In fingering wt for a pair of socks!
Glad to see Dale is healing. Boy that must have hurt. It makes me hurt just to look at it.
Hope you aren’t still finding hidden eggs 🙂
I think you need a day home from work too!
Oh my! I am so glad he is okay…
Yes, please take time – and best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dale!
Oh God Carole – I’m just catching up – I’m so glad that it wasn’t worse. Here’s to the rest of the week only getting better, right? I hope Dales heals quickly and that you’re back to your organized self soon. 🙂
wow – that photo really shows how terrible this was.
Dear one, you are still in shock (as is Dale also, I imagine) a six pound blow to the head is amazingly serious –
Take time, go slow, and know that we all send lots of love your way – hugs to you both.
I’m sure it will take a while to get over the shock of the weekend, but fortunately everyone is ok.
Before I married my first husband, he had a similar accident – he was skiing and his ski came off and the edge gashed him just BELOW the left eye, but otherwise similar to Dale’s injury. He came to my house and was standing with his “good” side facing me when I opened the door. Then he turned and I saw the huge goose egg and bruising, and I nearly fainted. It healed up well though – just a small scar.
I totally agree with the “Dale’s Bruise” colorway. A little humor never hurts to get past a scare. (Well, once the initial fright is over, at least!) I hope Dale’s thinking up some great stories as to how he got that injury. That would be a good blog post! Have people write in their suggestions. Then maybe you could have a more romantic name for the colorway – “Dale Battles Dragons” or something.
It’s funny how we think we’re fine until we realize our minds have gone completely haywire. Dale’s head and yours will both heal, but give things time to knit (as it were).
You kept it together when you needed to! Having the shock hit you later is really a blessing. So is not burning the house down (so is melted chocolate). I hope he doesn’t hurt as much today and that this will quickly become just a photo essay. An “I remember when.”
OH my word. Thank God he’s okay. And will be just fine. And so will you. It’s really emotionally and physically traumatic to have something like that happen – no surprise that you’re still a bit shaken! Take care and say prayers and thank God that it wasn’t worse or didn’t hit a small child or any number of much more awful scenarios. A blessing in disguise, don’t you think? 🙂 XOXOXOX
Oh hun! That just broke my heart! I guess now that the immediate danger has passed, your emotions are letting you know it’s their turn.
Hey, now that the trauma is over and all are safe, you’re allowed to have a breakdown. Better now than when it happened. Don’t fight it and it will be over quicker.
Oy, what a weekend! I’m sorry you have some leftover trauma. I wish I could hug you in person…
Those colors really are impressive, you were right! ;o)
That is quite the battle scar. No wonder you’re discombobulated. I’m sending good thoughts your way and wish I could give you a hug.
Please keep him indoors, Carole. We don’t want people wondering what he did to get that eye. ;^)
It’s going to take time for the shock to wear off, but time is on your side. He really needs Dale’s Bruise socks, ya know. ♥
Carole, what an awful thing to have happen, but I’m so glad that Dale is all right. That sounds like a horrible frightening thing to go through. Good thoughts and wishes for both of you.
Wow, yellow already! That’s an excellent sign — he’s healing especially fast. YAY!
My mom would tell you in her sweet, soft voice, “Breathe, dear, breathe.” Then she’d fix you a plate of reassuring food (eclairs? chocolate cake?) and a glass of milk and simply sit next to you at the table, being a quiet comfort. Oh, and there’d be a fresh vase of flowers next to your bed.
Just catching up and holy geez!! So glad Dale is ok!! You’ve definitely a reason to feel rattled a bit. Hope you both can take it easy a bit this week.
That is quite an injury. I’m betting he won’t be hoisting any flags anytime soon.
Your dinner wasn’t that bad. Aside from the asparasquish i really liked it! jkjk =)
funny how wounds like that actually look worse the day after when they’re healing. i suppose emotional ones feel worse cuz the adrenaline wears off and it all sinks in. hope you guys are back to yourselves soon.
Look at a good side, those colors could be used for inspiration for dying. 🙂
Sorry the days are rough. I hope you aren’t trying to knit… your gauge is probably all wonky.
How about two more beers and a good nights’ sleep.. Well, OK, give two to Dale too. Get well soon. Both of you.
Ok. You are officially freaking me out. I’m glad to see Dale is recovering. And I totally get the delayed reaction. Thinking about you and yours…
Oh wow Carole! So glad Dale didn’t lose his eye! I didn’t read through all of the comments… you know about arnica? Homeopathically it helps for brusing/trauma…you should check into it (I used it a LOT as a martial artist), and there are lots of good salves for healing. The arnica helps the colors change more quickly (and the puffiness goes down more quickly, even a few days later), but you’re still going to see lots of unusual colors. Keep an eye on his vision… lucky guy. Good luck with it… hope your nerves have calmed down some.
Sometimes a good cry helps, I think – that was a serious scare and it has a constant jarring reminder. No doubt the meal tasted great, even if it got to the table in stages. Do be kind to yourself and do be extra careful driving, using knives, etc!!!
I’m amazed that despite the nasty gash on Dale’s forehead and the heavy bruise under his eye, it looks like his eye is clear. Guess the supraorbital ridge and the cheekbone on the old noggin did their jobs protecting the eye. Thank goodness!!!
Wow, I’m so glad Dale’s ok! I’m sure such an accident is jarring, to say the least. Life is precious, and it’s understandable to be more than a little rattled! Best wishes for happy healing:-)
But of course you’re rattled. I’m sure this scared the life out of you and a little rattling must be normal. It makes me so sad though to hear that you cried and cried. I sure hope things get better as the days go on.
By the way, I think I saw some roving on Saturday the same color as Dale’s bruise.
It will pass – his bruises and your discombobulation. It’s normal. The definition of a functional human is keep it together to handle the crisis, fall apart later.
HOW SCARY! head wounds bleed so much anyway, i can hardly imagine what it was like.
who would have thought that a flagpole could be that dangerous!
wishing you rest and quick healing,dale!