I'd love to join Kat for an unraveled post today . . . but I…
When All Else Fails: Write a List
My weekend. A list.
1. I found lots more daffodils in bloom when I came home from work on Friday.
2. We had dinner Friday night at the local tavern with good friends.
3. I love going here because we see lots of people we know.
4. And they make really great martinis.
5. I had a long list of things to do on Saturday.
4. I finished everything, including the homework for my online photography class, uploading my latest yarn purchases on Ravelry, knitting 3 inches of sock for the May Day sock swap, and going bra shopping.
4. Some of those things were not as fun as others.
5. Saturday night we attended the most boring banquet ever. Truly.
6. But it was worth going because my brother-in-law Randy and his wife Mary each got a very special award.
7. Mary’s award was for being the power behind the throne. They called it “quiet and unnoticed” but we know what that really means.
8. I’ll never get an award for being quiet and unnoticed.
9. I made scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast on Sunday.
10. I love bacon.
11. In the afternoon we went shopping for a new camera bag for me.
12. And out to lunch.
13. When we got home Dale had stuff to do for our upcoming local living history event.
14. So I watched American Gangster.
15. It was really good.
16. After that we watched tv together.
17. And I did some more knitting.
18. It was a great weekend.
19. But I wish it had been longer.
20. What did you do this weekend?
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You got a lot done! We watched some movies, finished up some robotics stuff, I felted a bag and made some handmade paper, and I did more laundry. There was probably more, but my brain’s not awake yet. 🙂
I walked in the local MS Walk in honor of my sister…and saw my former singing group perform. It was a good weekend, but a way too busy weekend…
We went mudding and hill climbing in our JEEP saturday. and we put up trim in the house all day sunday and then watched Enchanted with our boys before bed.
your weekend sounds much more eventful.
We went mudding and hill climbing in our JEEP saturday. and we put up trim in the house all day sunday and then watched Enchanted with our boys before bed.
your weekend sounds much more eventful.
Your weekend sounds much better than mine…but we had loads of much needed sun. I wish we had a local tavern for hanging out with friends!
I went to some knitting courses with Joan McGowan-Michael and learned quite a bit! We saw the families and watched some tv… and we saw the Revolution! lose to Colorado, but even in the rain, it was a great game!
I knit. I read. I napped. Viva la Vie Knit Think!
Any weekend that includes bacon is a good one 🙂
I “puppy-sat” our little Granddog Milo, had a blast! Did a little yard work…but this coming weekend we are going on our first camping trip of the season–WooHoo–can’t wait!
Love the color of your sock, Trekking?
I went to the dump, took my eldest and walked around Drumlin Farm to reminisce when she visited as a child and see what had changed. And of course to see the newest lambs- much twinning and some triplets this year. Also clapped eyes on a skirting table with a drying Romney fleece in the barn. Yes I did pluck a wee bit to sniff and draft it out in my hands- hee! Went to Erickson’s after for ice-cream and then on to the mall for a few items on our list. Knit on a bench while she played with the puppies in the pet store. Once home sat with a cup of hot green tea and knit some more. Met a friend for coffee Sunday morning- good times. Some yard work and mountains of laundry!
Sounds like a good one. Hmm. I got photographed for 1000 Knitters, but mostly I read and knitted.
Not nearly as much as you did… but there was lots of hanging-out family time, always a good thing.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. Ours was quiet and pretty peaceful.
Bacon and eggs are yummy!! I can feel a craving coming;)
We spent Saturday afternoon at the beach and took some pictures of a finished pair of socks I think you’ll recognize. 🙂 I’d love to know more about your online photography class. Can you email me the details?
I bought some yarn for a stuffed toy that I need to have done by Friday. I nursed the baby. I changed the baby. I did laundry. I cooked and de-cluttered the house. I refereed the older kids’ computer and play time. I sang a solo at church Sunday morning, and took the kids to the Senior High Young Group’s Spaghetti Supper for dinner.
Then I collapsed.
Oh, and Eldest and I put together the baby’s crib. Working together with my boy was the highlight of the weekend.
Isn’t an award for being unnoticed kind of self-defeating?
I love #8. Food shopping, quick stop at nursery, quiet Saturday dinner, exercise Sunday, knit, spin, repeat, clean, blog, avoid the list.
That’s a great weekend. We were super busy too – watched my daughter’s softball game, helped at a girl scout meeting, shopped, trimmed shrubs, blah, blah, blah…
1. Acquired yarn
1.5 Had nice lunch with girls and mother in law
2. Took break from pattern writing/sock knitting
2.5 Got rid of hub/boys for a day
3. Made Mitred Squares
3.5 Was happy when hub and boy returned
4. Took a nap
5. Cooked a tiny bit
6. Went to choir practice
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. BACON! What didn’t I do this weekend. I think I’m still recovering from the Birthday festivities. I think I have officially crossed the line into “too old”. At least for some things. Holy hell I love that yarn. Please share the info.
I kinda like the list format! I work on Saturdays and have Mondays off, so this is really my Sunday morning:) I started knitting the example for the beginning lace class I will be teaching in June, and I finally figured out how to use a teeny crochet hook to attach a bead to a stitch, then knit it in… I can foresee lots of trips to bead shops in my future. Today is for gardening, sewing and catching up the portfolio for my “Creative Process in Children” class, which only has four more sessions.
A weekend of martinis, friends, and recognizing people for doing good things – sounds so injury-free. A good weekend indeed. 🙂
I went for a late lunch with my best friend, whom I rarely get to see these days, and toward the end of our visit, we saw the most vibrant double rainbow.
Oh, your Primavera looks great! 🙂 Do check the size though–I had to rip out most of a sock because the leg was uncomfortably tight. But I still think it’s the best pattern ever devised for the ombre colorways of Trekking.
And no, you will not get an award for being quiet and unnoticed, but that’s hardly what we come here for! 😉
sounds like a busy and fun weekend!
did you end up getting a new camera bag?
I would not be happy being quiet or unnoticed either. Satuday – dance competition all day (I don’t dance). Sunday – book report project (I am not in school). Fun fun!
You sure did get a lot done…
#4 caught my attention – “online photography” class – oh…I want to take a class – it is on my list of things to do in the next 1001 days…
Is this classs relevent only to your model camera or is it a “general” type?
This weekend, I ran herd on my kid while my husband and the rest of my family painted my dad’s house. It was exactly not fun.
I like #8. I once won an award for “most inquisitive”. Shorthand for “she won’t ever shut up.” This weekend, though, I spent mostly coaching on pool decks. Three of them. And tonight, I shall go to bed early as a result!
I was chained to the burn pile when I wasn’t spinning. ;o)
absolutely nothing for a change. had a slow and lazy wake up saturday and didn’t leave the house until 3. had a campfire cookout in the still snowy park near our house with some co-workers, and the sky was still light and the sun just barely setting when we went home at 9. spring’s coming, you just can’t tell by what’s on the ground.
What did I do this weekend?.. hmmm…. I think I knit a sock. 😀 I’m still trying to recover.
Your weekend sounds way better than mine was. Lets trade.
Hey, those are cute socks. What pattern is that?
I worked in the garden Sunday, got up to the yoke in the Bianca’s Jacket pattern & started a Swallowtail shawl with some of Kim’s sock yarn. And Saturday I hung around the house and watched a mediocre movie (Havana) that confirmed my belief that Robert Redford is the most overrated actor ever. It’s like people are blinded by his looks so they don’t notice he can’t act. He is pretty, though.