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WIP ‘Em Out Wednesday

I was admiring perusing my Ravelry projects page the other day and I realized that I have no in progress photos of any of my current projects. Shame on me! So, what’s on the needles at Carole Knits? Glad you asked.


I wanted to cast on for this sweater the minute I tried on Caro’s back at SPA. And I finally did a few weeks ago. The back is about 3/4 done at this point. The yarn is Peace Fleece and the pattern is very well written and easy to understand. I’m so glad I got over my fear of cables. You all were right, they really are fun! I’ve sort of lost my steam on this project since it’s gotten too warm to wear it, but I’ll plug away at it and be rewarded with a nice new sweater when the fall comes.

Daffodil Socks

Because there are always socks. The yarn is Carole’s Eye Candy Friday in Daffodil in Mama E’s -C*EYE*BER Fiber Coordinates, dyed for me and gifted to me by none other than Mama-E. I love it! I didn’t expect it to stripe but I’m pleased that it’s happening. These will be on the plane with me tomorrow.

Icarus Shawl


This shawl has been on my to-knit list forever and I’m so glad to have finally started it. The yarn is Judy’s Arequipa from Ball and Skein and I was originally going to use it for Twinings. But the variegations and the pattern weren’t a good match and I ditched that for Icarus and I’m glad I did. I’m almost finished with the last repeat of chart one and then it’s one to the edging charts. Woot!

So that’s what’s knitting here. What are you knitting today?

Comments (43)

  1. I’ve been meaning to ask you about Twist…very pretty color! Icarus is gorgeous, too. She’s on my list to knit, too. Love the sock, but my sock mojo still MIA.

  2. Bleeding Hearts Stole by Anne Hanson.
    Ruffled Surplus by Mary Lynn Patrick.
    loving both, but the stole is taking for ever. anne seems to knit so quickly and i have been working on this a month and am just now half way through one side of the stole. but still plugging away.
    the icarus shawl is a wonderful pattern and seened to go quickly for me. i gifted it to my grandma. she shows everyone. 🙂

  3. The edging charts are the fun part of Icarus!

    Right now, I’m splitting my time between a deliciously pretentious A Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness stole (easy, wordy) and a pair of Diagonal Rib socks (Anne Budd).

    Both are currently testaments to what happens when the right yarn and the right pattern come together, because neither the stole nor the socks are all that difficult, but dear god, they are beautiful. Some of the most beautiful things I have ever knit, even.

  4. Your Twist is going to be awesome. I love the light heathering in the Peace Fleece. It gives it great depth. Yum!

  5. I love the Daffodils! Apparently – ahem – I’m knitting Crazy Monkey socks for a “sock contest”??

  6. Nice…I LOVE the Daffodil socks! Me…Knitting? Nothing at the moment because I don’t have you for a boss, but I will get started on a new project when I get home.

  7. If that’s Ancient Fern Peace Fleece then we are going to be Peace Fleece Twist twins (fraternal–I didn’t put cables on the back of mine).

    The Daffodil colors are gorgeous!

  8. Very lovely projects. I’m working on my first adult-sized sweater. It’s kicking my butt. I have a few other projects on the needles, but I think I will practice project monogamy and get the sweater finished in time for Summer of Socks. 🙂

  9. Beautiful sock colorway – how special for you! does she have it for sale on her site?

    I’m finishing the toe this morning on Sock1, 2nd pair, Pink Ribbon Socks. Sheesh. I’ve never knit two pair of the same sock pattern In. A. Row. but it’s going okay – doesn’t really seem like the 2nd time in a row.

    I have two mitred square blankets going (what am I thinking?) and all I really want to do is cast on a sweater for myself. 🙂

    Your Twist is lovely – and I’m going to get some Peace Fleece one of these days! XOXOXOXOX

  10. YOu have the whole gamut covered with the cables and lace! 🙂 beautiful projects!

    I am dipping into some colorwork projects right now… a pullover and some socks!

  11. I’m not sure I’m willing to admit to all of my WIPs. Putting them up on Ravelry makes them so “real”. 🙂

    I love your Twist. The yarn choice is perfect. That will be one cozy sweater next winter.

    That’s beautiful yarn that you are using for Icarus too. Congrats on making it to the edging charts!

  12. Those are all so beautiful! I’m still working on my round 4 SM2 socks, and God-only-knows what else I have on the needles at home…LOL

  13. Your projects are all lovely. I especially love the colors in Icarus.

    I have too many WIPs to list them all. If I get to knit today, I’ll probably pick up my Chevron scarf or my Clapotis.

  14. They all look yummy – but that twist – oh my! That’s going to be totally awesome! (yes, you must say that in the totally 80’s fashion).

    I know what you mean though about the rav projects page. I have way too many blanks in there, maybe I should get off my booty too 🙂

  15. Yay for cables! I know what you mean about slowing down on winter sweaters when the warmer weather comes.
    Love those daffodil socks – such a lovely color.

  16. I love Judy’s yarn! That’s going to be beautiful.

    I’m hoping to knit the edging on the Diamond and Pearl shawl from A Knitter’s Book of Yarn, but the directions are giving me fits. I may wing it because I’m eager to block it!

  17. Lots of beautiful things happening here! I am finishing up Boing, working on my Tessarae socks and starting a new little nothing 🙂

  18. There’s always a sock?! Good thing you’ve got one in progress, Carole, because I don’t. I’m still slogging my way through the Flower Basket Shawl. I’m starting to think it’s done because I’m tired of working on it. That’s not good, is it?

  19. My WIP’s overfloweth and most are stalled. Finishing up Vesper sock #2 and 3 other 2nd socks in various stages of completion. Fickle Fingers half done- started skein #2, then to my horror realized one of the “fingers” one third of the way up had started to unravel- a stitch marker is holding those suckers in place. And Twist- still a dream…. have yarn and pattern, but need to play with cables first before diving in. 🙂

  20. The socks you’re knitting in your eponymous yarn are gorgeous! So springy!

    I’m working on two different pairs of socks — a second sock for me and a first sock for my sweetie. (I haven’t knit for him in ages and his birthday is in 2.5 weeks.)

    And I’m optimistically hoping that the pattern will arrive in today’s mail for the Dream in Color Shrug. If I put everything else on hold until it’s done, I might finish it in time to wear on Sunday to MD Sheep and Wool.

  21. Those socks are going to be beautiful.

    More spinning than knitting here, but still plugging away at the blobfina. DH thinks I’m a little crazy to knit so fine, but the shawl is going to be like a breath of air when it’s blocked. Well worth the effort.

  22. Nice stuff. Really solid projects, lots of mojo. Have a wonderful time this weekend. Maybe you can make some room in your stash for what you will buy.

  23. Every thing is looking good.
    I am knitting a tank with a deep V (so you need a tank underneath (probably has a real name but I am clueless as to what it is). It is by classic elite and a great pattern – perfect for summer. Need to photo it and get it on ravelry

  24. I love that color you are using for Icarus. I’ve got things on the needles, but not much knitting is actually happening. usually on the weekends I get motivated to knit a little, but during the week, not much knitting is seeming to get done.

  25. I have the same problem with my WIPs for Ravelry. 🙂 You’re on an earth tone kick, aren’t you?

  26. Wow! Every one of those projects looks like a winner to me! Love the colors/colorways — Daffodil socks make me smile.

    Have a wonderful, festi time this weekend!!

  27. Oh Carole! Everything here is amazing today. I didn’t know you could get gauge for Twist with Peace Fleece! That’s very exciting, and makes me want to run home and swatch. And I MUST have that colorway of Arequipa. Now I know what to look for when I see Judy at NHSW!

    I hope you have a great time in Maryland, btw. 🙂

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