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What’s For Dinner? A Local Meal!

I’m totally stealing the title for this blog post from Nora. I hope she won’t mind because it works, you know? So here’s a photo of my family’s Monday night dinner:


That, dear readers, is an entirely local meal. There’s striped bass courtesy of my brother-in-law, Randy, along with potatoes, squash and zucchini from our CSA. I cooked all of it on the grill and it was fabulous! I followed Randy’s advice and grilled the fish with some balsamic vinaigrette. The potatoes were the same as last week – tossed with a bit of olive oil and dill and then cooked in a foil packet – and the squash was steamed on the side burner.

While the best part of the meal was how great everything tasted, it really pleased me to serve a local meal to my family. Certainly we eat a lot of local things (remember the blueberry muffins and blueberry pie?) and local vegetables are a staple right now but it’s rare for us to have local protein other than eggs so this meal was truly a special treat.

That’s what we’re eating that’s local. How about you?

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. That looks incredible! Right now the only local thing I’m eating is tomatoes and herbs from my garden. But this Saturday, I’ll be heading to the farmer’s market for other veggies.

  2. What a beautiful meal. And beautifully photographed. I love my CSA and I love cooking that way for my family. I’ve usually got to hide the squash and zucchini in something else though…

  3. Oh, that is so awesome, and see? You filled the void I left today, what with me being on strike and all! (Hint: next Wednesday will be devoid of recipe, too, given some real-life obligations I have in the next 10 days or so!)

    It looks delicious!

  4. Yummy!! We’re eating EVERYTHING local! The only thing I’m buying that’s not are my cleaning supplies, I’m either going to start making my own or….stop cleaning!!

  5. You are making wish again that I had a garden this year. I can never make it to the local farmer’s market. It looks yummy!

  6. That meal looks wonderful! We’re eating tomatoes and basil from my garden, and I just bought local eggs. I’ll be picking local blueberries later this week so there will be blueberry eating soon!

  7. That looks wonderful and delicious. I am doing the local eating thing right now with this bowl of cucumbers from my stepdad’s co-worker’s garden. Our garden is not ready for the eating.

  8. How wonderful!

    Randy needs to bring you fish more often!

    I eat blueberries off the bushes on the patio. That’s about it for local right now. I really need to garden next year.

  9. Hmmm…that looks totally awesome…I’m on my way over… 🙂

    Locally, right now – lettuces, radishes, and sugar snap peas.

  10. DD and I took two spinning friends (Joy and Lena of Road Blog Ahead) out to lunch today in Berkeley and went to Cafe Rouge, where they serve LOCAL food. Really good, too. It is a very conscious restaurant, great service, wonderful about food allergies (the pastry chef made a non-gluten raspberry dessert for DD that was heavenly), and they even have parking!

    At home we’re eating as local as possible, mostly from the farmer’s market, and when we can’t get local meat we at least eat grass fed, organic when available. Having been a farmer for many years, I take this seriously.

    Have you tried cutting squash lengthwise and brushing it with olive oil and crushed garlic, then grilling directly? It cooks very quickly and can scorch over the flames, so put it near the edge. Can do the same with carrots.

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