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Biking is Fun!
You remember my new bike, right? I’ve started calling her Betty and she and I have been having a bit of fun together. I haven’t gone on any more long rides but I’ve ridden around town for errands a few times and that was my intention when I bought the bike.
I’ve ridden to the post office twice, once to mail the MS Prize socks and once to mail the dish rag I knit for Dish Rag Tag.
I’ve ridden to get a pedicure.
And I’ve ridden to Town Hall twice, once to pay our property taxes and once to pay our water bill.
I’ve been too chicken to try riding to CVS but it’s on my list and I’m sure I’ll just do it one of these days.
My point in this post (other than just coming up with something to say because I really don’t have anything to say) is that it’s fun to ride! I really do feel like a kid again with this bike and I get compliments on her everywhere I go.
There is one hill that I face when going “downtown” to the PO or nail salon but I think it’s gotten a bit easier to climb each time. Either that or I’m just getting used to it because that first time was a killer.
I’m looking forward to riding more as the weather cools down and I know it will be heartbreaking to put her away when the ice and snow arrives. Just another reason to hate winter. Heh.
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That bike is just TOO cool!
I bought an Electra Betty cruiser. I just got her last Sunday, but so far, I love her. She is so easy to ride and sexy looking—mine is the black model with pink rims and flames. I know biking is good exercise, blah, blah, blah, but I bought her and am riding her because it’s just plain fun. I feel like I’m 46 years old going on 12 again. (I wish I still had the knees I had when I was 12, though.) I had seen your Electra on your blog and decided to find a local dealer—thanks for talking about your bike.
what a gorgeous bike!
I’ve just got back from a cycling holiday and you’re right… it’s great fun!
Now if that isn’t the best way to run your errands, I don’t know what is. If I weren’t spending all my money on our next vacation, I’d be at the bike store right now!
How fun it must be to feel like a kid again……I loved riding my bike more than anything when I was young 🙂
Love your new ride – beach cruisers are HOT.
No problems adjusting to the front-pedaling? I have a one-speed Schwinn Cruiser (Old Blue) that I love. Townies keep flirting with me, though.
Hills are like that….the more you do ’em, the better you get at ’em.
Or so says my hubster, my personal hill-climbing coach.
Carole, you just need a basket on that bike and you can go to CVS!