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Monday Already?

Did ya have a good weekend? I mostly did and I have exciting news to report.

I passed papers on my father’s house on Friday! woot!

This was such a relief for me! The whole thing came together in the last week and I knew the closing was scheduled but I was afraid to tell you guys in case I jinxed the whole thing. But now it’s done and I no longer have to worry about heating problems and plumbing problems and all the other issues that go along with a vacant property. Can I get a woo? And also a hoo? Thank you!

The rest of the weekend was spent knitting, hanging out, going to the movies, and watching the Super Bowl. The movie was The Reader and it was very very good. Kate Winslet totally deserves that Golden Globe she won and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she takes home an Oscar for this performance.

That’s about all I have for this Monday morning. Except this.


Yes, another tulip picture. Love that macro lens!

P.S. Don’t forget that the blogiversary contest ends today at noon. Good luck to everyone who entered!

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