That Yarn

Apparently one word just doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to yarn and I need to talk about that yarn in the picture yesterday.


That’s 4 skeins of yarn that I spun up.  The fiber is Lincoln Cross that I bought from Barneswallow Farm at Rhinebeck.  I bought the green and the rose in 2006 and the blue and the cranberry in 2007.  It’s about time I got to them, don’t you think?  It’s more or less a worsted weight and I’m thinking colorwork mittens.  Any pattern suggestions?

The truth is, I’ve been spinning a lot lately.  My motivation comes from the fact that this weekend is New Hampshire Sheep & Wool and I told myself I couldn’t buy anything if I didn’t spin every day for the two weeks prior to the festival.  That was a good little trick I played on myself because it definitely motivated me to spin and it made some room in the fiber drawer, too.  Heh.

Anyway, I’ll be there on Saturday and Sunday.  On Saturday we’ll be doing the traditional blogger meet up at lunchtime in the picnic area.  Who will be there?

Comments (38)

  1. I wondered if that was your handspun when I saw it yesterday; it’s beautiful. I love the colors.

    This will be my first time at NHS&W; I’ll be there on Saturday. Hope to see you there.

  2. Those colors all go so well together. Colorwork would be perfect.
    I ***WISH*** I could go to NHS&W, but, alas, I’ll be working 12 days in a row. (Mother’s Day = Floral Industry Insanity)

  3. I bought the Rose batts in 2006, too and they were one of the first things I spun (bad yarn). This time I bought two beautiful gray batts. I’m not sure what they’ll be. The yarn looks cozy and warm. Colorwork would be fabulous!

  4. I think the Fiddlehead Mittens from Hello Yarn are beautiful. I’m thinking of spinning some yarn for a pair for myself. Your yarn is beautiful!

  5. Thanks for the reminder on the Barnswallow batts. I have the the blue red and green ones that also need to be spun up. See you Saturday. 2 sleeps!

  6. So pretty! I have no pattern suggestion, but they’ll surely make some lovely mitts. Have a fun weekend!

  7. They’re just so pretty! I don’t have a suggestion as to pattern, but they’ll be really nice knitted up together!
    (Isn’t it funny the tricks we play on ourselves to get what we really want!)

  8. I second the fiddlehead mittens, or Kate Gilbert’s bird in hand mittens would be gorgeous too with those colors.

  9. I knew it was your yarn. Wonderful colors.

    I wish I could go. I really do live on the wrong coast. Hug Manise for me!

  10. Your yarn is lovely. It will make spectacular mittens.
    I plan to be at the NH Sheep & Wool on Sunday. I’ll look for you.

  11. I’ll be there on Saturday with my mom in tow – not sure we’ll make the blogger meet-up but I will keep an eye out for you!

  12. That is lovely yarn, and an incredible inspiration for more regular time spinning. Have a wonderful time this weekend, Carole. I wish I could be there.

  13. I will be there – not sure what time – but, I will stop and say “Hi” – can’t wait to see you and Dale…

  14. oooh pretty handspun!

    …maybe I’ll come up on Saturday. I don’t have any other plans and hell, it’s only a six hour round trip. ;op

  15. Holy cow… the simplest things, huh? So beautiful.

    See you Saturday!! 🙂 Will bring Yuengling.

  16. They have food vendors, right? We don’t need to pack a lunch?

    Leave it to me to have my first thought be “Where is the food?”

  17. Have fun! My only shot is Sunday – that may be my Mother’s Day wish. Hoping you have a great time.

  18. Beautiful yarns! Even prettier now that I know they are handspun… Have a great weekend. Happy Mother’s Day

  19. such beautiful yarn you spin! Great job! Great talent! Keep up the great spinning with those great colors!

  20. I made myself knit up 3/4 of the yarn I bought at MDSW last year before I bought anything this year. 🙂 I’d say it’s a pretty good motivator.

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