I know, because of the comments from last week, that many of you enjoy reading…
Ten On Tuesday
I’m doing my own thing for this week’s topic again, attempting to keep things positive, rather than talk about things that make me feel old, which is the official topic this week. And so, Hillary and I have our own spin (that’s a hint) this week, in honor of the upcoming New York Sheep & Wool Festival. Affectionately known as Rhinebeck, of course.
10 Things You Love About Fiber Festivals
1. Yummy fiber in awesome colors. I’ve found that I often have a “color of the day” at fiber festivals and wind up with lots of the same combos in my bag. I’ll be attempting to keep things varied this weekend and buy lots of colors.
2. Great vendors. I really look forward to seeing my vendor friends.
3. Delicious food. Rhinebeck, in particular, has great things like artichokes french and truffle buds. Oh, and beer!
4. Sheep. I wouldn’t be much of a knitter and spinner if I didn’t love me some sheep.
5. Showing off the hand knits. Nobody gets the beauty of a new shawl or sweater like another knitter.
6. Beautiful scenery. New Hampshire Sheep & Wool is in the spring and everything is green. New York Sheep & Wool is in the fall and everything is yellow and red and orange. Both have their benefits.
7. Fleece to shawl competition. So much fun to watch, especially when your very own friends are competing.
8. Fleece Judging. I’ve learned a lot about what to look for in a good fleece just from listening to the judges comments.
9. Workshops. Not that I’ve ever taken one!
10. Last but most definitely not least, hanging out with my friends. It’s a girls weekend away with fiber. It doesn’t get any better than that.
3 more sleeps!
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I’m so excited about Rhinebeck too! The yarn shop where I work is running a bus on Saturday. A bus full of knitters going to an event entirely about the stuff that you knit with!!! What could be better??!!
You nailed it. Can’t WAIT. Three more sleeps til my basketweaving workshop! (Really. And I am so excited. It’s Wendy Jensen, who makes the best baskets ever.)
While I enjoy commiserating on the old part (so I don’t feel quite so creaky all by myself), I like the positive spin.
I am in complete agreement on your top 10. Can’t wait!
Thank you again for not giving in to the negative. The excitement of Rhinebeck makes this a perfect top ten. Can’t wait for those lamb burgers! Hope I see you to show Fred’s handiwork – seeing him on Friday!
There’s a Top Ten to get behind! Wish I didn’t live across the country. Take lots of pictures for those of us not able to go (please).
Do you buy springy colors in NH and fall colorways at Rhinebeck? Just curious.I am so overwhelmed by all the choices at the wool festivals that I come home with no yarn at all. I am trying to amend this on Saturday at Rhinebeck. If you see me, ask if I’ve bought anything!
Agree with it all! I’ve been going with my now 12 year old for 2 years and we are counting the minutes until Saturday morning when we head to Rhinebeck! We can’t wait for all the above and the spun maple sugar they have.
I thought I was the only geek who had color themes for each fiber festival! I am leaning towards blue/gold/brown/green this year. Don’t know why.
Your list is pretty much the same as mine. I can’t wait to have some good food (I think Rhinebeck has the best selection of food), see some fiber friends, and maybe purchase a thing or two.
I will look for you – we are going Sunday.
Official blog themes of the week? I am so out of the loops! But honestly, must’ve been a 26 year old who came up with this week’s theme, eh?
I won’t make it this year, but am planning for next. One of the things I liked about it was seeing what everybody else knit. The oooh’s of fabulous knitting and great patterns or yarn, and the ewww’s of things that were not. Also counting how many examples of particular popular patterns seen walking about.
Have a blast!
You are going to have a blast! Wish I could be there…maybe next year.
*sniff* Have a little fun for me!
I’m excited, too, even if I am dreading the crowds (the older I get the more I hate crowds … never would have thought it possible 15 years ago). But I agree 100% with your Top 10, especially the part about seeing friends.
I’ll be there too!! Hope you don’t mind if I see you and come up to you and say hello!! Rhinebeck gives you the chance to meet up with all the “stars” of the blogging/knitting community!
Perfect, except for the beer — I get the whirlies. Substitute barbecue?
There really is something to spending time with a bunch of people celebrating what you also enjoy. Kinship. Have fun!
I agree with all, maybe not in that order, but you need to do something about #9! Rhinebeck workshops are getting better and better….I’m taking Longdraw with Janel Laidman Thursday morning (Karen and Chris are both in my class) and Marled Yarns with Amy Clark (?) in the afternoon. See you over the weekend!
It’s hard to find time to socialize, shop AND take workshops! Have a great time, can’t wait to see your spoils!
I know you listed food, but particularly: lamb burgers, lamb stew, lamb kebabs, lamb chops… mmmmmmmm
Have a great time. Maybe I’ll make it to Rhinebeck some year.
Okay. Now I’m hungry.
That’s a great list! Have fun at Rhinebeck.
Oh I love a good lamby. and good friends. and good yarn. how about some angora bunnies! I;m jealous.
I can barely wait! Dinner Friday night?
#10 would have to be my favorite. :o)