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Ten on Tuesday

fall colors november

The official theme of Ten on Tuesday this week  is 10 Ways To Waste Time on the Internet. Once again I’m changing it a bit. Let’s try 10 Ways To Have Fun on the Internet because that’s a more positive approach.

1. Reading blogs. I love my knitting peeps and enjoy their blogs but I also read several political blogs and some cooking and photography blogs, too. It’s informative and fun and a great way to make connections with others.

2. Facebook. I’ve found lots of high school and college friends there but it’s also awesome for knowing what my friends and neighbors are doing, too.

3. Ravelry. It doesn’t get any better than hanging out on a website made just for knitters.

4. Bejeweled Blitz. Okay, this one might actually be a waste of time but it’s just too damn fun for me to ignore.

5. Tastespotting. It’s a foodie’s paradise, just don’t go there when you’re hungry.

6. Ebay. You want a bargain? You need something obscure? I guarantee you it’ll be on ebay.

7. iTunes. So many songs, so little space on the iTouch.

8. A coworker told me about Amazon a long time ago and it’s one of the nicest things she ever did for me.

9. Flickr. I not only get to see what I’m friends are photographing but I get to learn great techniques and participate in challenges, too.

10. Netflix. I can spend a lot of time reading movie summaries and playing with my queue.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. I too am a Bejeweled devotee, and I blame, er I mean, thank you for that addiction – oops, I mean pastime. Now if I could just learn your high scoring secret Obi Wan…

  2. If you shop alot on Amazon I would highly suggest getting the Prime membership. I think they charge $75 for the year but all your stuff is shipped 2 day air for free. If you buy 10 items during the year it pays for itself. Very helpful at Christmas time!

  3. I see we have alot of the same addictions, erm, I mean hobbies! Bejeweled, yeah, it’s kind of a love/hate thing, isn’t it? LOL!! BTW, I love that you put a positive spin on your topics … there is enough negativity in the world, so your blog is always a ray of sunshine 🙂

  4. Tastespotting is now my new favorite site! I just looked and Parkin is on the front page. That’s one of my favorite unknown treats!!

  5. Tastespotting is fantastic! I’m not entirely sure I’ll be able to get any work done today. 🙂

  6. I heart Netflix. Try Sweet Land. I loved it. When it was over I thought, “Wow, that was a short movie, I’m sad it’s done” and then I looked at the clock and I’d been spellbound for 1:45.

  7. I have an astounding coincidence to report: your first four are on my list too. I will probably never go on Netflix because they’ve figured out how to circumvent pop-up blockers, and in consequence their ads would be at the top of my Ten Most Annoying Internet Things list.

  8. Definitely like your twist on the topic, positive thoughts. Your blog is one of my favorite, your photos, crafts and your writing style are all a delight.

  9. I give a bit of my time to many of those places on the internet. Sometimes wasting time is good and helpful. Then again, if it is useful, then it has perhaps stopped being wasteful in some way.

  10. OMG, Carole. I think you are my internet twin. I spend time doing all those things, except Tastespotting, which I’m off to see now. You are SO RIGHT about all these.

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