Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
Flyingdales Sweater Progress
I actually have finished knits to show you. There’s the merletto mitts and the Bella’s mittens and a newly finished pair of socks. I have a problem, though, as I don’t have photos of any of that stuff. I mistakenly gifted the merletto mitts without taking photos, the Bella’s mittens are available but the model/photographer/daylight combination is a problem, and as for the new socks, well, I don’t really have a good excuse for not photographing those. It just hasn’t happened.
I have, however, photographed my Flyingdales sweater-in-progress. Finally, right? I’ve been working on this thing in fits and spurts since August and this is the first time I’ve taken pictures of it. Pitiful, I know.
And here’s another thing that’s pitiful – the fact that this sweater isn’t finished! I love the pattern and I’ve wanted navy blue cardigan for ages and yet I keep putting it down and not picking it up again for weeks. I’m inspired now, though, and I’m working like mad to see if I can’t get it done before the end of the year. I’ve only got a sleeve, a collar and some button bands to go.
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can . . .
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I KNOW you can.
Fylingdales will be so warm and cozy. Love the color…you really must finish it. I’ve been looking forward to the Christmas colored socks. Is that the last pair you knit?
This sweater is on my 2010 list. Glad to see yours. Love the pattern also. What yarn did you use? You can finish it. Yes, you
can!! Happy New Year!
You can do it!!
Yes you can….. 😉
It will be a perfect sweater for this cold weather we are having. Lovely color!
The progress shots are wonderful! Of course you can!
Carole, the Flyingdale is wonderful. And, to think how you had such a fear of cables not too long ago, too.
You can definitely do it! You are SO CLOSE!
I’m confident you can! The mitts will be dropped off this evening when I pick up Hannah, then you can photograph them 🙂 I’d offer to do it, but you’re a much better photographer, especially of all things knitted, hehe! Love that sweater, the color is gorgeous & the pattern is very pretty.
Wow! What a wonderful color. After hearing it has no seams, I’m jazzed to start, though it is behind my goal of getting some WIPs done first. I did, however, buy buttons for it last night. What a wonderful color for you. Can’t wait for the finished photos.
The end of the year? That is tomorrow? Well. If ANYONE can, YOU can! xo
You can do it! It will be so worth it. I’ve just finished one, and I’ve been wearing it non-stop, it’s so warm and cozy.
That sweater is going to be a beaut! Think of all the bowl games you can knit to this weekend – you’ll finish it.
Cold weather is always a good motivation to finish a sweater, especially one this pretty. You can do it.
Hi Carol,
I too, love this sweater and knit it in 2009. I have this to say, be very careful of guage. I swatched and was careful and it still came out too small around my hips. I still wear it around the house but it is not wearable for anywear else. Don’t get me wrong, it is beautiful and I love it, but it didn’t come out the way I wanted or it looked in the book. If I do it again, and I probably will cause I do love it, I will have to change the bottom. Yours looks yummy!
Can’t blame you for being inspired, it’s lovely!!
Oh My goodness. Carol, that is exquisite. Wow
perfect color
visually so appealing
It’s beautiful. You can do it!!!
Gorgeous! Love the color!
That daylight thing is pretty tough this time of year…
I know you can, I know you can. As for the model/photographer/daylight issues – I think that goes back to our earlier conversation about the nerve of these kids, growing up and getting lives of their own.
That is going to be a fabulous sweater! You’re inspiring me to get my sweater-in-progress finished.
You totally can! And now you’re making me want a Flyingdales!
Yes, you can!
This ties in with the email I was writing to you… That color is going to be gorgeous with your hair. Remember to stretch your shoulders and rotate your wrists periodically. Good luck!
Wow, that’s gorgeous!
Lovely sweater. It will be a wonderful addition to your cardigan collection!
I know you can! Looking good, Carole!
It’s lovely, Carole.
Of course, you can!
Of course you can! I bet it’s all done by now, even. Love it, love Flyingdales, and really should make it for myself — just exactly like the ocean blue/tealish Blackwater Abbey sample of Lisa’s that I tried on in her booth so many years ago. I really should just get over it and order that yarn.
You absolutely can! Can’t wait to see it done and modeled!
This is just gorgeous!! I love the pattern too and the cables are looking so pretty!