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Ten on Tuesday

Mmmmojito blog size

A mojito goes nicely with this week’s topic . . .

The topic for this week’s Ten on Tuesday came from my dear friend The Knitigator. It’s quite appropriate as our summer reading program starts at the library this week, too. Here we go with 10 Books on Your Summer Reading List.

  1. The Girl Who Play With Fire by Stieg Larsson. Having just finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, I’m anxious to read the 2nd novel in the series.
  2. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest by Stieg Larsson. I’m sure I’ll want to read this as soon as I finish with #1.
  3. The Things That Matter: What 7 Classic Novels Have to Say About the Stages of Life by Edward Mendelson. I read about this on my book lover’s Page-a-Day calendar and I’m intrigued.
  4. Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich. There’s nothing quite like reading a Stephanie Plum book while on vacation.
  5. A Touch of Dead: Sookie Stackhouse, the Complete Stories by Charlaine Harris. I just can’t get enough of Sookie.
  6. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith. Dale read the Abraham Lincoln one and said it was pretty good and I think it’s high time I read this version of my favorite novel.
  7. Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth. This one is on my nigh stand right now. I’ll admit I’m a bit afraid to read it.
  8. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Because it’s been 50 years since it was published and it’s a book that can be read over and over again.
  9. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender. I read about this one when I was skimming some book reviews and I think the idea behind it – the main character can literally taste the emotions of whoever prepares her food – is really interesting.
  10. Innocent by Scott Turow. Summer is a great time for a legal thriller.

I am looking forward to reading everyone else’s lists – I’m always looking for something good to read! Don’t forget to add your link below.

Comments (29)

  1. Books? What are those? If you’d asked what 10 items are on my “to knit” list, I’d have it easy, hehe! My list is complete and posted 🙂 I’m confident that you’ll actually get through your list, Carole!

  2. Every year I tackle at least one book of great literature. I recently read the Woods translation of Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain. An amazing book.

  3. Sounds like a great list. I am reading the Geneen Roth book right now.Pretty powerful stuff…

  4. Loved the Larrson books. I’m looking for the Lincoln and Vampires book. And, we do agree.. the mojido, or in my case, the tequila easy make a perfect deck reading companion.
    btw.. I listened to the P&P on my iphone. The library had it as a download.

  5. I just posted my list! This one was kind of tough for me because I usually don’t plan what I’m going to read. And maybe I bought a few books while putting this list together…oops!

  6. Great list. I almost forgot about the Lincoln and Vampires book and Innocent. I want to read both of them. Lindsey liked Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

  7. I read “To Kill a Mockingbird” last year and just loved it! I’ve read it several times and find it one of the most compelling novels ever. Stieg Larsson had a way with words. If only he’d lived to write more!

  8. So glad to hear the good reviews about Stieg Larsson – The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is my beach read for next week! #9 sounds a little like Like Water for Chocolate – have you read that?

  9. You have a very mixed list! I’m only slightly embarrassed to admit that we’re rereading all seven Harry Potters to get ready for the new movies. On the more grown up side, Michael Chabon.

  10. Mmm…I love mojitos! We have some of the same books on our list. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books of all time. I still have my copy of it from my 9th grade English class.

  11. I’m into biographies, autobiographies, and memiors lately. I just finished and thoroughly enjoyed Laura Bush’s book, Spoken from the Heart. I never was a fan of George, but always liked her. The book is a very warm & touching account of her life. She doesn’t even meet and marry George until about 1/3 of the way into the book. You have to admire their love and devotion to each other and family. Also on my list is Madeline Albright’s book, Read My Pins, which is a look at her life through the brooches she wore and how they became a part of her diplomatic signature.

  12. I’m in the thick of Lasson’s 2nd book via audible. A year or so ago I reread Mockingbird via audible read by Sissy Spacek. EXCELLENT! I highly recommend the experience.

  13. I like you list – Stieg Larsson is an author I’ve been hearing about – but as of yet – have not read. My list is up…

  14. Seems like people are having fun with this topic!! I love your #3. Bought “Women, Food and God” today. I’m still not “getting” the zoombie thing, though.

  15. I agree with “To Kill a Mockingbird” being readable over and over! I can’t get enough of the voice of that novel.

  16. I love, love, love Stieg Larson — I’ve listened to all of them on the ipod. I too am intrigued by the lemon cake one… wonder if it’s on audible. ‘Cause I’ve got baby knittin’ to do.

  17. I skipped this week cuz I don’t really ever have a “reading list”…I just inhale books at an alarming rate. If only I could knit as fast as I read… Picked up about a dozen at the library yesterday, but none of them are what you’d call “summer reading”…history, sociology, knitting, but no light reading.

  18. That’s a great list. I am a big fan of reading books more than once. I say that if the characters and story are good enough to absorb my attention the first time, they’re worth revisiting. I have plans to re-read several books/series this summer. It will be like visiting old friends.

  19. I read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies last summer. Knowing that you like the original as much as me, I eagerly await your feedback. Until then, mum’s the word.

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