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Ten On Tuesday

Ready to Eat! blog size

Labor Day weekend has come and gone. Sigh. There’s still a bit of summer left, though, and this week’s topic is how to make the most of it. Presenting: 10 Things to Do Before the End of Summer.

  1. Go to the beach. I love the beach in September. The water is warm and the light is golden and the summer people have gone home.
  2. Enjoy time on the deck. The sun is still warm but the humidity is (usually) gone and it’s perfect for knitting and spinning on the deck.
  3. Speaking of the deck, enjoy more dinners outside.
  4. And fires in the chiminea.
  5. Make grape jelly. The grapes usually ripen right as summer ends and it’s guaranteed to be hot again when it’s time to make grape jelly.
  6. Go for a bike ride. Savor those last moments of warm breezes!
  7. Have a picnic. I don’t think I’ve had a picnic all summer – definitely need to fit this in before it gets too cold.
  8. Enjoy the last of the corn on the cob. Silver Queen, my favorite variety, becomes available in September and it’s the best.
  9. Eat ice cream. Sure, you can eat ice cream in the cool weather but the ice cream stand is best when it’s still hot.
  10. Just be outside. It’ll be too cold before you know it so get out there and enjoy the sunshine and warmth.

Comments (18)

  1. well that settles it – after that picture, I have to go to Abbotts for a pile of steamers and lobster on vacation. my mouth is watering 🙂

  2. At first glance: why is Dale holding a dead mouse and smiling? Second glance: oh, it’s a dead buttered clam. Much more tasty. Want.

  3. Yummy steamers! I do believe eating more fresh shellfish is definitely on my list to do before summers end!

  4. Of course my very favorite on your list is # 1. It is the perfect
    time to be at the beach. I am heading up to Cape Cod Thursday
    morning from here in NC and you will probably smell the rubber
    burning as I leave my drive way!! Haha! Great list, Carole.

  5. I had no idea what Dale was holding until I read the other comments. To me it looks kind of like a grilled pepper stuffed with gorgonzola that’s been partially eaten! 🙂

  6. It’s so easy to be outdoors when the weather is this nice. It’s the perfect time of year and I hope the fall weather lasts and lasts.

  7. I’m totally with you on numbers 1,2 and 8. And the tourists are gone; but so are the bridges over the creek to our favorite beach. I also puzzled a bit over the photo while the text was loading. A steamed clam is not very appealing up close!

  8. too funny – and I see that someone else also thought what I did at first glance.. it appeared that Dale was holding a dead mouse (ewwww) – glad to know it was a clam 😉
    beaches in the fall (or anytime actually) are the best.

  9. Thank goodness for your commenters or I would have spent the day wondering what the hell your Dale is holding. o.O

    What? No spinning outside?!

  10. @Beth – Stuffed pepper with gorgonzola is a good one, I still could believe that. I have never seen a clam before….
    Wonderful list – it’s all about enjoying the last moments of the summer.

  11. Great list! I’ve been spinning on the deck. I wish it had a view of Rangeley Lake, but I can still spin the blues right out of the sky.

  12. Not being a seafood eater, I had NO idea what your husband was about to ingest until I read the comments. (I was thinking it was a deep-fried lobster claw.)

    Thank you so much for hosting “Ten on Tuesday” every week. It’s forced me to blog much more regularly, and introduced me to a number of new blogs.

  13. I actually agree with each and every part of your list….except for that nasty steamer Dale is holding…..ewww….shiver…

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