I've got 3 random things to share with you today . . . Hannah has…
Random Wednesday
It’s Wednesday and I’m a little scattered and without a good cohesive post so let’s be random!
- This Friday is October 1st. That means it’s time for Socktoberfest. It also means it’s time for a new pair of Through The Loops Mystery Socks. I’ve knit these the last 2 years and really enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to it again this year and think I may even use a skein of the coveted Wollmeise to knit these socks.
- Speaking of Through the Loops, that Que Sera is just about killing me. It’s not a reflection on the pattern or the design, it’s definitely me but man alive I am sick of this thing. Just to add insult to injury I have had to reknit the sleeves because, of course, I screwed up on sleeve #1 but didn’t realize it until I started working sleeve #2. I am so sick of this sweater and want to be done done done.
- Part of the reason I’m so anxious to be done with this sweater is because I want to knit mittens. Specifically, the mittens in The Red Collection. There are the Drifty Mittens and the Ziggity Mittens and the Radio Frequency Mittens and I want to knit them all!
- I’ve been watching Dancing with the Stars. I wasn’t going to get sucked back in but I did and here I am. I was not sorry to see David Hasselhoff go and I think Jennifer Grey is a great dancer although I do wish she hadn’t changed her nose all those years ago. Also, Kyle Massey is adorable and Florence Henderson has terrific legs.
- By now you must know that Bloglines is going away on November 1st. Despite it’s issues I was a devotee of the feed reader until the last few weeks when I realized it was time to get used to Google Reader. And now that I have, I must admit that it’s way better than Bloglines. Once you set it up with your subscriptions to show in an expanded format it’s pretty much the same. And I like that it doesn’t automatically mark a post as read when you click on it. There’s definitely a bit more flexibility with this feed reader and it is much faster to pick up a new post. I’ll miss you Bloglines but buh-bye.
- The daughters of commenter extraordinaire Mary K. in Rockport have started a blog about books called Goldfiles Books Reviews. Books are good – go and read their blog.
- Have you heard about One Day On Earth? I hadn’t until yesterday but I signed up. On 10.10.10 I will be photographing a wedding (no, I’ve never done this before and yes, I’m nervous as hell) and I think that’s a great example of a wonderful day on earth. You should sign up, too.
- The other night I had a dream that Hannah was kidnapped from her college and taken to Portugal. The school knew she was gone and didn’t tell me but I looked on the webcam for her classroom and could tell she wasn’t there – even though they said she was. She was rescued but then they told me she had to go into the witness protection program and I thought I’d never see her again. Do you think I might be having some separation issues? Ahem.
- And, finally, how is your Red Scarf coming along?
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So much wonderful randomness! Love Drifty and Ziggity mittens! Drifty in particular. I’m on mitten 2 which probably won’t be finished until Dec.! I need to kick it into gear and get my 2nd Red scarf done. It’s not on the needles yet! Bookmarked the book review blog! Dancing with the Stars is what I watch every morning. I am a morning person and rise before my DH so this is what I watch while I knit and sip my coffee. Agree, agree, agree with your comments about the stars especially Jen Grey!
… I want to knit mittens now too!
First of all, thanks for the great blog suggestions. But second, webcam WHAT?! Can parents now spy on their kids in college? I can see it now…”Nate, WHY weren’t you in Econ101 this morning?”
Me too, me too, I want to knit mittens and I am so with you on Jennifer Gray’s nose. She doesn’t even look like the same Baby we saw in Dirty Dancing. 🙁
Ooooh, I love Drifty! I think this might be my first foray into mittens 🙂 And, no, definitely no separation issues for you, my friend. Nope, not a whit.
separation issues? you? lol
i like the drifty mittens too… they are on my list (for me, btw). i can’t get into dancin’ with the stars this year… i’m just not feeling it. 🙁
I am, however, all over the Amazing Race. 😉
This is the most random I’ve ever seen you! I love every bullet post. You’ll make it through the sweater, I know you will. At least you’re on the sleeves! I want to knit the mystery and I want to knit mittens (and sweaters and shawls). Happy Hump Day!
Great post Carole! Thanks for the heads up on the sock-a-long. That blanket should be done TOMORROW and I am so on to something new. Enjoy the day!
I’m lovin’ The Red Collection… and I definitely have mitten fever. I’m a little more into DWTS than I thought I’d be… and is that what’s different about Jennifer Grey? I knew there was something more than just age.
I am totally with you on DWTS, and the mittens, and bloglines. I’m with you on Que Sera too although I wish I wasn’t. Must. Finish. It. Now!!!
I agree with you about Jennifer’s nose; also Shannon Miller’s (the Olympic gymnast.) Distinctive noses are, well, distinctive. I, the mother, think the Goldfiles have potential and need a leeetle tidying up! Finally, don’t discount the “you are still attached to your child in ethereal and inexplicable ways” thing – get in touch with her and make sure all is well.
I wish my body looked half as good at 34 as Florence Henderson’s does at 76.
coed kidnapped, webcam, Peru, witness protection,… sure sounds like a plot to me… try writing it maybe?
I agree. Jennifer Grey should have never changed her nose. I think it sunk her career in the end.
What a terrible dream! Hang in there, Carole. It really does get a little easier — with time. (I should clarify. Maybe not “easier” — but, after three years, I am finally “used to” and “somewhat at peace with” Erin’s absence from my day-to-day life.)
Scary dream about Hannah!
I just remembered this morning that it’s time to mail in my red scarf. That would be terrible to forget it because it’s been sitting there since January!
I just started using Google Reader and am trying to get used to it…I’ll miss Bloglines, too.
Can’t wait to do another mystery sock…yes!!!
Just a little separation anxiety…maybe…
Still packing and will be moving next Tuesday!!! I’m thrilled – even though it is only half a mile down the road.
Are you using the Next button yet? I love that thing. It makes blog reading so much easier.
Fingers crossed that sweater is done soon.
I wonder why that sweater is such a pain. I keep looking at it, and then deciding against it. It’s cute, though. Mittens do sound fun right now – so do slouchy hats and cowls!
I’m late to the party today – just home from a five hour class (sigh) and so I’m a little overwhelmed by randomness. In a nutshell – good luck with Que Sera. Mittens! I long for something besides the baby blanket I’m working on for a baby that is five days late. Is it time to visit Hannah? Socktoberfest! Yep, I’m on board again too. Maybe I’ll actually photograph this pair before I gift them (if I gift them). Red Scarf? I have the yarn, but there’s this baby blanket….
I’m getting used to Google Reader, too. And I’ve got some great handspun from Romney Ridge waiting to be whipped into some cable-y mittens, once I submit my pattern to Knitty today (sometimes we need incentives to generate schematics 🙂