The prompt for the month of March over at Ali Edwards was to choose something…
Monday 2011
It’s my first blog post of the year and I generally summarize my knitting projects from the previous year at this time. However, I still have 3 finished knits that need to be photographed. The plan was to do that yesterday but the weather (heavy heavy fog and scattered showers) did not cooperate.
And so, instead of my year in knits I will share my year in photos. I completely stole the idea from Maryse but I know she won’t mind. I used Pummelvision to create a video that includes every photo from my Project 365 on flickr.
Pummelvision from Carole Julius on Vimeo.
Pretty cool, eh?
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That was so cool! Looking forward to see your knitting summary as well!
Seriously cool, especially with your gorgeous photos!
VERY cool! It was a great year. . .
I love it, Carol!!!
Very cool! You take such beautiful photos!
I usually start something new, but this year the idea went bust. I’m going to knit smaller more fun projects during the month of January. Nice work on 365!!
Fun! Right now I am without a working camera, and the idea of 365 pictures seems daunting. AND yet, your photos do inspire. Perhaps I could manage one a week….
Looking forward to your annual list.
Great video!
awesome! i’m going to dig out my camera, and get going! thanks for your words, photos, and ispirations
I love that – it really makes you realise every day is a gift to treasure! Thanks again for the inspiration.
That was fabulous! I really liked seeing the colors change with the seasons.
So cool! I just started Project 365. I can’t wait to steal the stolen idea from you next year!
Very cool!
That WAS cool, but it went way too fast. Maybe I just have to click over to flickr.
That was so cool!
Very cool! Thanks again for the Neapolitan cookie recipe. They were delicious!
That was really cool and I loved how I could see the change in the seasons as the photos progressed.
What an awesome showcase for your great photographs!