I know, because of the comments from last week, that many of you enjoy reading…
Eye Candy Friday
If you know how small the Star of Bethlehem Flower is then you know that this bee is a very wee bee. He was covered in pollen and quite blissful about the whole thing, I believe.
I’m blissful at the thought of a 3 day weekend! I hope yours is a great one and I’ll see you all on Tuesday.
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Nice macro shot! I love those sweet wee bees. I’ve had Star of Bethlehem leaves in my lawn for years and this is the first year that they’ve bloomed. I suspect chippies have unearthed them from other peoples yards and buried them in my lawn for consumption later only to forget them.
Pollen drunk bees are a good thing! So excited that we will be having a summer-like weekend! Enjoy!!
Hopefully the weather will be nice up there for a change?? 🙂
Wee bees are very cute … not like the dive bombers we have around our back yard! Hope you have a fantabulous weekend, my friend!
For some reason, I missed yesterday’s ‘Tale of the Chipmonk’ until tuning in for eye candy today–too funny! A sword and a leaf blower–well, desperate times call for desperate measures.
Wild Critters in the house are just wrong! Our dog chased a squirrel in and it turned into a four day saga ending with a tragic drowning with husband away on a business trip leaving me to deal with the situation.
While sis and her husband were staying with us, he found a dead grackle in the back yard and practically destroyed a flower bed burying the darn thing. A couple days later, I walked into the kitchen, and in the cat’s bowl (which was on a table to prevent canine gobbling of feline food) contained a house sparrow (was he saving it to eat later?) . The little bird’s chin was resting on the rim of the bowl and it was entirely immobile. To prevent further depredations of the flower beds, I picked up the bowl with the intent of making the garbage can the bird’s final resting place. Just as I took one step out the door, the bird suddenly flew! I get heart palpitations just thinking about it.
Have a great weekend!
Great photo! Have a fun weekend!
Such an awesome shot! Have a spectacular long weekend!
Perfect shot! Happy weekend.