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Eye Candy Friday

If you know how small the Star of Bethlehem Flower is then you know that this bee is a very wee bee. He was covered in pollen and quite blissful about the whole thing, I believe.

I’m blissful at the thought of a 3 day weekend! I hope yours is a great one and I’ll see you all on Tuesday.

Comments (8)

  1. Nice macro shot! I love those sweet wee bees. I’ve had Star of Bethlehem leaves in my lawn for years and this is the first year that they’ve bloomed. I suspect chippies have unearthed them from other peoples yards and buried them in my lawn for consumption later only to forget them.

  2. Pollen drunk bees are a good thing! So excited that we will be having a summer-like weekend! Enjoy!!

  3. Wee bees are very cute … not like the dive bombers we have around our back yard! Hope you have a fantabulous weekend, my friend!

  4. For some reason, I missed yesterday’s ‘Tale of the Chipmonk’ until tuning in for eye candy today–too funny! A sword and a leaf blower–well, desperate times call for desperate measures.

    Wild Critters in the house are just wrong! Our dog chased a squirrel in and it turned into a four day saga ending with a tragic drowning with husband away on a business trip leaving me to deal with the situation.

    While sis and her husband were staying with us, he found a dead grackle in the back yard and practically destroyed a flower bed burying the darn thing. A couple days later, I walked into the kitchen, and in the cat’s bowl (which was on a table to prevent canine gobbling of feline food) contained a house sparrow (was he saving it to eat later?) . The little bird’s chin was resting on the rim of the bowl and it was entirely immobile. To prevent further depredations of the flower beds, I picked up the bowl with the intent of making the garbage can the bird’s final resting place. Just as I took one step out the door, the bird suddenly flew! I get heart palpitations just thinking about it.

    Have a great weekend!

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