A long long time ago I made enough quilt blocks for a log cabin quilt…
Sometimes I Quilt
It’s been quite some time since I have sat down at my sewing machine and quilted anything. Probably years, in fact. A couple of weeks ago, though, I spent a day visiting a couple of local quilt shops with my friends Lois and Blogless Sharon. Turns out, that was all I needed to kick-start my quilting mojo.
I bought this adorable little cupcake potholder kit and I’ve already made it. It didn’t take long, maybe just under 2 hours, and it’s pretty cute. I had to find my supplies and it took a while to remember how to use my walking foot but once I got going I found that I really enjoyed myself.
It’s going off in a care package to Hannah this week and I’m already working on my next quilting project. Remember this jelly roll?
Those strips have now been sewn into a quilt top and I got a beautiful dark blue bali print to use for the borders, backing and binding.
I’m still a fervent knitter and occasional spinner but it sure feels good to quilt again.
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Nice!! I like sewing too!
Sewing use to be a big part of my crafting, making garments and quilting. The machine is vintage 1970’s and despite being overhauled is not much fun to use. I will dust it off to line a felted bag I made last summer.
That cupcake is so cute! I can’t wait to see the finished quilt.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Pretty batiks in the jelly roll. Cute cupcake!
I love quilts – I love how they look. I have never made one and probably never will because I HATE to sew. I don’t even know how to operate my sewing machine. My mom is an amazing seamstress – made clothes for me, costumes, etc.. The sewing gene skipped me entirely. It was replaced with the fiber gene I guess.
It’s good to dig out old crafts. Kinda mixes it up a bit! I can’t wait to see the next quilt you finish!
Tres cute cupcake! I had a kick start to my quilting rebirth recently too. My niece asked for a quilt to take to college. How can you say ‘no’ to something they associate with you and feeling loved? Especially since she almost never asks for anything. After a 5 year hiatus, yes, it clicked back in pretty quickly. Now her brother wants one for next year’s trip to college. This is gonna kill my knitting time!
BTW, Curious about the jelly roll strip pattern. I saw an ad in a catalog a few years ago that I ripped out. It was really simple, but I’ve been too lazy to do the math. Can you point me to your pattern?
Cute cupcake – and I just love those bright colors in the jellyroll quilt.
Adorable, Hannah will love it 🙂 I wish I had the time & space to quilt. For now, I suffice with knitting and spinning … maybe someday!
Those colors in the jellyroll are gorgeous. Stuff like that makes me yearn to make quilts and then I remember how much I hate to sew.
Thank God someone (you!) still blogs almost every day!
Oh Carole, as if I needed more reasons to wish we lived closer! Gorgeous!
I love the colors in the quilt, and the cupcake is adorable!
I too like both knitting and quilting, but instead of spinning I needlepoint–not as much as I used to b/c my eyes aren’t what they used to be, but still for special things, like Christmas stockings for my 2 daughters and sons-in-law and step-grandson, and precious granddaughter. Except for the daughters, all those others have come into my life in the last 6 years, which gives me lots more victims for my knitting, quilting and needlepoint!
I so appreciate your sharing. We have similar tastes and I often like your patterns. The hood you made for Hannah last year is imminent on my list.
Super cute!
Welcome back to the cult of quilting!
Both are so pretty!
really cute cupcake pot holder Carole. You are a well rounded crafty one. Im pretty much just knit and occasional crochet!!!
I do remember that roll of batik. I loved it then and I love it now. Cute cupcake too!
Beautiful! Fun! It’s fun to re-discover sewing, isn’t it? (Love the colors in your quilt! Just wonderful.)
Adorable cupcake! I was an avid quilter before I got interested in knitting and, at about the same time, moved to a tiny apartment, where I could no longer keep my machine up all the time. My favorite part was always doing the hand quilting, but I also loved the magic of seeing beautiful fabrics near each other!
Oh, I love the cupcake! But, I really love the quilt top…it is going to be gorgeous. Bali prints are some of my most favorite fabrics…
It’s hard to keep up with both quilting and knitting but I try.
YOWZA! That’s some awesomeness! Carole, you never cease to inspire and amaze me. The quilt is wonderful! Now, did you need me to send you my address?? 🙂
That potholder is adorable!!! I really really enjoy sewing and wish I had more time for it. Your quilt is going to be gorgeous!
Love that potholder! I too love to quilt. It has been a while for me. I think you may have just sparked a renewel of interest.
The cupcake potholder could not be any cuter!! You do beautiful work and I can’t wait to see the jellyroll quilt!