Hitchhiker Scarf

A month or so ago I was at a library network meeting and I was knitting away on socks, as I’m wont to do at these monthly meetings. My friend Olivia was sitting next to me and she was also knitting but she was not knitting socks. She was knitting a Hitchhiker Scarf. You know where this is going, right?

I logged onto Ravelry with my precious my iPhone so that I could queue it up but found it was already in my queue. Hunh. I didn’t remember adding it but then I saw it was knit with Wollmeise and I’m pretty sure that’s why I put it in my queue. You see, I’ve been sort of . . . collecting . . . Wollmeise but I haven’t actually knit anything with it. I decided, with Olivia’s prodding, that it was time to take the plunge.

I am so glad I did.

The pattern is very simple and makes a great showcase for the color changes in this vibrant sock yarn.

The little sawteeth along the edge provide nice visual appeal.

I sort of couldn’t stop photographing them.

The garter stitch does get a little tedious but it knits up into such a squooshy fabric that it’s totally worth a little boredom.

I’m still not sure I understand the  frenzy that surrounds this yarn but I am glad I knit this scarf with it. It will be like a warm flame around my neck this fall.

And now that I’ve popped my Wollmeise cherry I’m sure I’ll be on the look out for more projects that use it.

Comments (24)

  1. Beautiful! I love the way the flowers in the background of one of the pictures are orange and yellow. I just might try this one.

  2. What a great scarf. As it happens, I just won three skeins of Wollmeise (my first of this much-touted yarn) and you inspire me. Qys: What size needle did you use? And how did you wind your huge skein — a ball winder or by hand? (I usually wind mine by hand though I do have a swift; but 574 yards!)

  3. Such a lovely, cheery piece for fall. I look at the Woolmeise and I’m sure pictures don’t do it justice, I just haven’t sprung for any yet. I tend to be a sucker for brights, but …. maybe it’s the price. BUT, that doesn’t stop me from admiring others’ work in that yarn.

  4. Your scarf is amazing in color and very fun to see. A friend “collects” Wollmeise and she shows us the most beautiful skeins. The dyer is very good at color. Have fun!

  5. I’m all about the garter stitch scarves/shawls these days, so I’m going to have to check that one out! Love it, Carole — that color will brighten up the drearies of winter, for sure.
    ; )

  6. I -do- remember putting that in my queue when it first came out, because I thought it would be a great choice for handpainted yarns. One of the girls in my SnB is knitting it right now.

  7. Beautiful! I bet that it will keep you all the warmer in the winter.. . because it’s burning so brightly! 🙂

  8. So warm and bright just like some the maples will hopefully see this fall. I’ve never tried Wollmeise and am curious about all the chatter about this yarn. One day I may try it just to see what the buzz is about. For now, time to get a handle on the stash!

  9. Bee-you-tee-ful! I don’t think you will regret your decision to break into your Wollmeise collection…this project is very worthy…

  10. FUN! Love the splash of color. Like you, I’m working in garter (Damson by Ysolda) and finding it a bit addicting due to the easiness…just one more row, just one more row. You will look smashing this fall sporting your flaming scarf!

  11. Hmm, I looked and I also have the pattern in my queue. Now if only I could get my hands on some Wollmeise. I haven’t tried too hard but people make it seem like it’s seeking out the Holy Grail!

  12. You are an excellent enabler. I just went to my Rav and added it to my cart to purchase when I get home. I have a few WM skeins that I have collected from Loopy Ewe Spring Fling attendance and I just got one in the mail from them for completion of Camp Loopy this year. It is a beautiful blue/green combo. Guess what will be going on my needles soon? Love your blog and all your pics!

  13. Gosh, I’m behind on my blog reading… I love your Hitchhiker. It’s an addictive pattern. I’m knitting a second and have yarn lined up for a third. Perfect baseball knitting. Go Cards!

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