Our Bird Buddy continues to be popular with the feathered friends who visit our backyard…
Three Things On Thursday
I always feel like just writing a list for a blog post is sort of a cop out and I try not to do it too often. Of course I just typed that and realized that Ten on Tuesday is a list and I post that on a weekly basis but I guess I don’t really consider that to be the same thing. Or maybe I feel like a list once a week is okay. In any case, today I am giving you a list of 3 things. It’s all I have time for and this isn’t a paying gig and, well, it will just have to be okay. Heh.
- Hannah is unexpectedly home for the week. Her school got slammed in the snowstorm last Saturday and they were without power for a while. She went to her roommate’s house on Sunday and thought she’d be going back on Tuesday for classes to resume on Wednesday but then they cancelled classes until Monday and now she is home. I love having her home but it puts a bit of a cramp in our lifestyle, ya know?
- The New England Fiber Festival is this weekend and I’m very excited to be going with my friends. We are heading out on Friday and hitting up Webs and then all going to dinner together. On Saturday we will go to the fiber festival and on Sunday we will travel back home. I don’t need a single thing but it will be fun to hang out and shop and drink wine and gab.
- I have decided not to participate in NaBloPoMo this year. I did it last year and it was fun but blogging on the weekends just feels too much like work and I don’t work on the weekends. So there. I will definitely enjoy ready 30 blog posts from all my friends who are doing this, though!
Those are my 3 thoughts for today. What are you thoughts today?
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Here’s my thoughts: 1) Glad my power came back on Monday evening; sad my 94 yr old mom still has no power, but at least she has heat!
2) I’m headed to Fiber Fest on Sat.; taking stock of spinning needs/wants
3) Even in retirement, taking time to enjoy life and nuture the soul is most important. Thus instead of doing laundry
after power resumed, I met with my knitting group 🙂
P.S. I can relate to ” cramping of lifestyle” 🙂
I couldn’t relate to the cramped lifestyle thing until last summer when both kids were at overnight camp! I’m doing the posting thingy in November — it’s really the only month that I post a lot!! 🙂
List away, Carole! 🙂 I get the cramping-our-lifestyle thing! Although I love having my kids come back home, it’s just amazing how well we “adapt” to having them gone! Have a wonderful time at the Fiber Fest.
chiming in about cramping our style – I feel guilty about that, but knowing I’m in good company helps! I’m thinking about posting daily this month, which is going to mean a few lists!! (and probably a few photos-only posts, too!)
Very happy I’m not putting extra pressure on myself to blog. Just don’t need one more obligation. I’m very envious of your fibery weekend. We never need “one more thing”, but wool fumes do their treat and we end up with a treat! Enjoy! The fiber season will be over soon.
Sounds like a great weekend. Have fun!!
Sorry but the weekends are for play! And that’s exactly what you are doing. Good for you! I’m sure I’ll run into you sometime on Saturday. And I don’t need a thing either. I’m just going for the scenery!
Thoughts…I copied your three thing idea. I’m sorry I won’t be able to hunt you down and meet you because I’m going on Sunday and I love that mantel!
I feel you on the whole blogging thing. I thought it for about three minutes yesterday before coming to my senses. Oh, and I think you should bring me something back from the fiber fest. ;^)
Have a great weekend. Lists are fine. I usually enjoy them very much. I’d put together a list of fun stuff but my brain is crowded with my to do list and nobody wants any of that. I don’t even want it.
My three thoughts:
1.Thanks for making me feel less guilty about my son cramping my style when he is home. I love to see him – but like Kym we have adjusted pretty well. 2. Glad to see that most of the snow has melted, just not ready for that yet. 3. I think its great that you take the weekends off – it makes me look forward to reading your blog on Monday even more!!! Have a fun weekend – I might try that fiber fest next year!
see you on Saturday 🙂
It doesn’t take long to start enjoying that empty nest, does it?
You know you’re secretly glad Hanna’s home:)
Check out Friends Folly Farm I met them at SOAR and I’m pretty sure they said they’d be at the fiber fair this weekend – LOVELY women!
Your weekend sounds perfect. Me? Recovering from parent conferences, weaving in ends on three projects, making dinner for some great friends – game and gin/tonic night! Travel safely, dear far-flung fiber friend!