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Three Things On Thursday

There are things on my mind. Not a lot of things and mostly all good but still, there are things. Here are 3 of them:

  1. I’m plugging away at Four Corners of the Sky and I hope you guys are, too. I don’t love it but I do like it and I plan on finishing. I’m pretty certain I won’t finish by June 1st, though, and that means I’ll have to purchase it or wait for it to be my turn to get it since this special promotion ends on the 1st. I plan on purchasing, I think it’s less than $8.
  2. I’ve got about 3 more inches of stockinette to go on that Rhombi sweater and then I just have to knit the front bands and collar and finish the sleeves – they will be short – and it will be done. I’m actually anxious to finish because I really really want to start Kirsten Kapur’s new shawl, Exuberance. I love knitting lace in the summer and I’m really excited about this pattern.
  3. Have I told you about Knit Companion? I thought I had but I can’t find a reference to it in any posts so maybe I forgot. Anyway, it’s awesome. I use it on my iPad and I love it for following charts and patterns. You should totally get it.

So I realize that everything I mentioned today could totally cost you money – books, patterns, knitting apps . . . I’d apologize but . . . it’s all good stuff so I won’t.

Comments (12)

  1. I read the book (didn’t care for it) but my library said I had it until the 8th of June. Kim dyed yarn so I could knit the Mystery shawl, but I really love Exuberance, too! I was trying to tell someone about Knit Companion the other day. I wish I had an iPad!

  2. It didn’t look like my library was participating… not that I’d have made time to read it. Exuberance is WONDERFUL, but I’m down for Kirsten’s Mystery Shawl, though won’t be very timely in the execution… probably won’t even get started ’til after 6/15. I do wish I had an iAnything for some of the apps that aren’t also available on Android. I use one called County Plus for keeping track. Knit Companion sounds like more than just an app!

  3. I’m reading 4 Corners but very slowly. I’m not in love with it so I keep switching to my other book. I bought it so no rush to finish. Exuberance is beautiful! I may jump in and buy Knit Companion for the iPad.

  4. I have Knit Companion. It’s the best app I’ve ever purchased. It’s a “must have” for knitters, I highly recommend it!

  5. Oh, that’s a lovely pattern.

    I finished the book over last weekend while I was on vacation (mine says it’s available until June 6th, so I guess it depends when you got it). I didn’t hate it – it was light reading and passed the time well enough – but I can’t say that I particularly liked it, either.

  6. Knit Companion is the best! There is something about it that makes following a chart easy peasy!

  7. So when I go home I’ll purchase Knit Companion! And…what yarn are you going to use for Exuberance? Lovely pattern!

  8. I am reading the book and it expires tomorrow. I think I am going to try to get it as an ebook borrowed from my library, or just wait and get it in print at the library. Not sure that I love it enough to pay for it when I am already 3/4s through it. I love that shawl pattern and the yarn that was matched to it…not in the budget for me right now though, so it too will have to wait. Knitting Companion sounds great…alas I do not have an iPhone or iPad, although I really would like to have an iPad..also not in the current budget. We are doing work up at our family summer place, and pulling off the old decking has shown that there is some rot on the house…I am afraid to add anything to the budget because even doing some of the work ourselves, each of the three couples will be forking over about $5000 we weren’t planning on. Ouch. Thank goodness I love my library and have a yarn stash that is extensive!

  9. 1. I started the book, but it was stalled by my trip to the library. I picked up Tell the Wolves I’m Home. You must read it! 1. Stalled is my M.O. these days. My lace knitting is in a mess. I put it down, forgot where I was, made a mistake, removed the mistake and put it down again! Brain fog. 3. I don’t have the Knit Companion, but I will take a good look at it! Happy weekend!!

  10. I love Knit Companion too! Using Knit Companion and Dropbox together is even better!

    I think KC has a upcoming new release….I’m watching for it over on the KC Group within Ravelry.

  11. I bought Knit Companion months ago but I have not yet figured out how to use it! Any help (or links to help) that you could provide would be most welcome.

  12. Haven’t read the book, and too many books on my “to read” list at the moment. I have and love knit companion. There are a ton of videos on the app website to teach you how to use it.

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