A Month of Photos: January

Here’s the mosaic of my January photos for Project 366. I encourage you to click it and make it bigger as those thumbnails are pretty small.

I love photo mosaics and Mosaic Maker at Big Huge Labs makes them so easy to create. I think posting a monthly one here will be a great way to keep you all updated on my commitment to photography. Some of them you will recognize from posts over the past month but some of them you haven’t seen at all.

You can visit my flickr 2012 photoset to see more details on any of these images.

Comments (13)

  1. Carole, your photography is amazing! I can’t say which one would be my favorite though I am captivated by frozen foam:)

  2. Beautiful shots, Carole! (And thanks for the links for the mosaic makers!) Challenges like Project 366 are such a great opportunity for personal development. It’ll be wonderful to see your photos through the year.

  3. Love it! That’s a great idea, looking forward to next month’s mosaic. I think I might try that mosaic maker.

  4. As always, gorgeous photos. I need to go hunt down that pasta dish, how did I overlook that?!

  5. I love your mosaic Carole. I did a 12 on 12 but it is just for the day and the idea of picking out photos for the month is so tempting. Just might have to try it. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Your photos are beautiful. The photo of the cardinal is my favorite. Thanks for sharing the mosaic link. I will have to try it.

  7. thanks for sharing – and for linking your flickr set – I am so glad I’m doing another daily photo project and having someone to follow along with will keep me motivated! isn’t it great to look at that mosaic and remember how wonderful the month was?!

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