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My weekend was just as lovely as I thought it would be
I had a wonderful day on my birthday, full of happy wishes from all of you
and lots of me time, including a pedicure
and not including grocery shopping.
Dinner that night was superb
The food was delicious but the best part was the company of my husband
and the dancing in the kitchen when we got home
silly presents and kisses and all
Saturday was full of shopping with my girly and sushi on a conveyor belt
it was delicious and fun
The best part was when she turned to me and said, I love spending time with you.
We finished with nachos ( a truly special treat for me these days ) and a cocktail for mama
Next year there will be cocktails for the girly too and that is a strange thought
Sunday was dull to start, Kiwanis officer training, but slowly improved
with the addition of some bourbon and time with my favorite man
and football.
Always football on Sundays now.

How was your weekend?

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Love those special comfort weekends especially with loved ones. Saturday was my final knitting group with LYS in Maine followed by our last lobster dinner of the season. Yesterday dawned gloriously feeling very summery. Today we close up with dinner out then head for Ct. tomorrow. Always sad to end the season on the coast.

  2. You had all the fun and all I did was run around getting ready for friends to visit. 🙂
    Actually it was a beautiful weekend as the smoke blew away and the mountains are a fire with color! I can’t wait for you to get here. 3 more sleeps! squeeee

  3. Sounds fairly perfect to me 🙂 Me? There was soccer & a quick trip to the lake in prep for closing the house. Oh, and somehow I seem to have acquired a brand new wardrobe … thanks!!!

  4. Glad you had a great birthday weekend! And the comment from Hannah made my heart melt a little. I’m hoping my daughter will still love spending time with me when she gets to her 20s.

  5. So happy you had a nice birthday! Daughters are pretty awesome, aren’t they?

    Packers play TONIGHT but I got my sports fix with a (very cold) girls’ soccer game last night.

  6. happy late birthday wishes, Carole! My weekend was full from beginning to end, but luckily there was some fun stuff in between the chores, laundry, and taking kids to activities.

  7. You really know how to do birthday weekend! Of course. You have a great crew! Funny, I actually enjoy grocery shopping (is that sick?).

  8. I do love football season but this has been a tough one so far! The two house teams, Browns and Patriots, have made watching painful. There is always next week, right?

  9. You pack a lot of fun into your life which is very admirable. And I agree that having grown (or growing) up daughters is great.

  10. Mine certainly wasn’t as awesome as yours. Spent one of the days car shopping/buying, and the other day gutting my sauna/closet. Not exactly fun, but we did buy (on order) a new car, and the closet will be much more functional and cleanable.

  11. Glad you had a terrific birthday! Isn’t it great when your children get old enough to be enjoyable adult companions and enjoy it? What a wonderful gift.

  12. Sushi on a conveyor belt?! Where’d you get that? Glad you had such a lovely birthday weekend, a lovely weekend for a lovely woman!

  13. Sounds relaxing, Carole! My weekend included a nearly three hour walk with my dog along the river in a downpour. He and I both were a muddy wet mess, but we came home full of joy to have a smoke-free experience together!

  14. ‘s wonderful…especially accompanied by the lovely fall colors! if you did project life you’d have a whole spread with this post! (just saying!) …and I hear you about the “girly” turning 21 – sara’s 21st is just a few weeks away. of course her older sister gave me a lesson a few years back! we’re blessed they love to spend time with us (let’s hope it lasts!!)

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