So the thing with SPA is, other than whatever fiber craft you choose to pursue,…
SPA 2013
I’ve been thinking about how to summarize SPA 2013 a lot. It’s challenging to come up with new ways to talk about this annual event but I can say with certainty that I look forward to it all year and I haven’t been disappointed yet. What could be disappointing about a weekend of friends, food and fiber?
The friends part is easy and just comes naturally. Not only do I get to travel to Maine with my two besties, Jo-Ann and Sharon, but when I get there so many of my other besties are there, too. Many of these are friends I only see once or twice a year but when we get together it’s as if we were never apart. You know those types, I’m sure, and they are the most special of friends to have.
The food part is a little more complicated but it’s a big part of this weekend for me. Some years ago I took it upon myself to start organizing dinner each night. Seriously, some one had to do it and that someone turned out to be me. My friends jokingly call me the “cruise director” of this weekend and, while it can be a bit stressful to coordinate this each night – rounding up and keeping track of who is going, calling restaurants to see if they can accommodate upwards of 14 people and then making reservations for us, getting out the word to everyone, and then feeling responsible if there’s a problem – it’s truly something I enjoy. All 3 restaurants we visited this year were excellent, within walking distance of the hotel, and I think everyone was happy with my choices. We hit the Broad Arrow Tavern on Thursday night, Linda Bean’s Topside Tavern on Friday night, and Petrillo’s on Saturday night. And I hit my goal of eating lobster every day I was in Maine. Ahem.
As for the fiber part, that is truly complicated. I have so much at home and I spin so rarely these days that I honestly shouldn’t buy a thing. However, I want to support my friends and their businesses and all those pretty colors and soft fibers are hard to resist. I did purchase some fiber and soap from Woolen Rabbit, a batt from Enchanted Knoll Farm, and a batt from Moose Manor Hand Paints but that was it for me this trip. I think I was mostly able to avoid impulse purchases by not even walking through the entire vendor room. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
And there you have it, a brief but accurate summary of SPA 2013. How many days until next year??!!
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Looks like so much fun! One of these years I will get up there for this wonderful event. This years was earlier than usual, yes?
It was nice to see you, even for a few minutes. You look FABULOUS! And happy. We ended up at the Muddy Rudder one night, if you haven’t been, you should try it… upscale, really good, piano player. It’s a bit south of town, or on the south side, about a mile after you turn left on route 1.
Yay SPA!! So much fun. Loved spending time with you!! I feel the same way about the fiber — I spin so little and have to much. That said, I have been spinning since I’ve been home (and fantasizing about the Hansen Electric Spinner — that thing would put a big old dent into my stash!)
What great fun! Looks like a fabulous time for everyone — such a wonderful way to relax, rejuvenate, and recharge!
Seeing the happy faces of so many friends brings joy to my heart. Love the smiles and can’t wait to see more fibery goodness coming from you and your wheel. Grrl, I wish I could eat fresh lobstah every day!
Looks like a fabulous weekend Carole! And you look terrific!
Oh I’m so jealous, fun with friends? Lobster? Fiber?
We had fun didn’t we? It was so good to see you…and you are looking great grrl!
It was an amazing weekend, and I’m so glad that you brought me along! Fiber friends truly are the best <3
Your description of besties whom you may only see a couple of days a year resonated–it’s such a treasured connection. Makes me wonder if others who share an interest have these connections. Somehow I doubt it.
Looks like fun. I always try to find a way to make it, and I never manage it. This year, I had kids with dance and basketball, so it didn’t work out. Fingers crossed for next year!
So glad you had a great time. I really did not buy much last year at the fiber festivals either because my stash was so crazy. I started up again this year! Lobster every day? YES!!!
Such fun! Great photos.
Looks like a wonderful time. Events like this make me wish that I was. There’s not a whole lot better than time away with good friends who share your passion.
It sounds like a heavenly trip. And kudos for you for being the Julie in the group. That makes it more special for everyone else too. You all look radiant, must be all that lobster!
Looks like a great time. I have to say, you look fabulous! Keep up the good work!
As always that sounds like such a fun weekend.
sounds like a fantastic weekend!
I think you said once that you didn’t like to photograph people – but these are great! best wishes on spinning (and knitting!) all that lovely fiber!
That really sounds like a wonderful weekend–and everyone has that relaxed happy glow. And lobster everyday? yes.