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Rusty Cock Socks*

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Words on Wednesday to bring you a Wednesday Are For Knitting type of post.

See? Finished socks. The yarn was dyed by the uber-talented Josette and it was inspired by a certain rooster named Rusty who hung out with us at last summer’s Fiber Revival. I think she did a fantastic job capturing the colors of that beautiful guy’s feathers even if the name is, errrr, questionable.

My favorite thing about 3×1 ribbed socks is that when they aren’t being worn they look like plain old stockinette. And then you slip them on your feet and they give you an awesome woolly hug because all that ribbing makes them fit perfectly.

These will live happily in my sock drawer until the fall because I am done (you hear me Mother Nature? DONE!) wearing wool socks until then. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

*I shudder at the google searches that may lead people here based on the title of this post.

Comments (22)

  1. Cute socks! I can imagine “some peoples” surprise when they see the knitted socks 🙂

  2. (And when those Google searchers arrive . . . SURPRISE!)
    Those are gorgeous, Carole! I love ribbed socks — wearing them, not knitting them. They DO feel like a hug.

  3. The colors are amazing! Such talented friends you have. Here’s hoping you won’ t need them until next fall. ( Our “May Day” in the Rocky Mountains has started with 10 inches of snow and more to arrive during the day!)

  4. And all I can think of is the commercial where the tag line is, “It isn’t nice to fool Mother Nature!” But, we have school districts closed due to snow today, so I might be a little biased. If you have to wear wool socks, this snazzy pair should pick up your spirits.

  5. Brace yourself. You will provide a report on the number of souls converted to knitting, no? The three by one ribbing is so pretty and so practical!

  6. Well, cock-a-doodle-doo! I loved that color when you first shared it with us. Those are some awesome socks. I’m with you – ENOUGH. I’ve covered my garden the last two nights. The weather forecast is for warmer temps coming our way. I sure hope he’s right and not just drinking beer and throwing darts at a weather board!

  7. Great socks! Great yarn!
    I sense a future post in the making about all the amazing ways people find your blog 🙂

  8. Great socks! I hae never tried the 3×1 rib. Might have to give it a go ont he next pair.

  9. Oh boy, those are beautiful- a perfect fall colorway! Hopefully none of us knitters go google searching for the colorway!

  10. Love the socks and the title of your post is a hoot! Every time I see handknit socks I think I should knit some but then I remind myself of the 2 pairs I have knit and how I vowed to never knit them again. This colorway makes me want to knit socks…

  11. Great colors! 3×1 rib is my favorite for socks, too. I think it looks a bit dressier than 1×1 or 2×2 rib.

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