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Halloween Party 2013

Last Saturday night was our 4th annual Halloween party and my photographic evidence of the event is sorely lacking. Honestly, my enthusiasm for the indoor decorating – the tablescape and the food stuff – was also sorely lacking this year. I think planning my installation as Kiwanis President back in September sapped all of my creative energy for the rest of the fall season. Nevertheless, I managed to create a menu that was varied and delicious, Dale successfully executed the physical manifestations of the ideas in my head, and our friends came and ate and drank and danced and watched the Red Sox and had an all around good time. And I do have a few photos to show you.

table for carole knits

The buffet table was set with our usual props – skeletons and black ribbons, candles and lots of gauze-y material. I’m definitely feeling the need to try something new for this next year and I’m already trolling Pinterest for inspiration.

michael and laurie

Dale and I went as the main characters from my most favorite ever scary movie, Halloween. He was Michael Myers and I was Laurie Strode and I’m so glad my friend Anne captured us in character.

all the beards for carole knits

I have to say that the costume prop of the evening was the beard. We had a priest and we had moonshiners and we had Duck Dynasty. All complete with fake bears.

the grudge for carole knits

Dale created this scary thing and hung it on the wall. I think it’s a cross between the girls in The Grudge and The Ring. Whatever she was, I wouldn’t let him leave it in the house overnight. Scary bitch.

mummy dip for carole knits

I served the usual Halloweenies (mini hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls) and macaroni & cheese muffins and deviled eggs and buffalo chicken dip. This year I also added some delicious pizza puffs and this mummy shaped cheese creation. It was good but I think next year I’m returning to pimiento cheese because it’s way better.

window for carole knits

There were lots of other decorations and lots of other friends in costume, lots of laughs and lots of fun. I’m already looking forward to planning next year’s party!

Comments (15)

  1. as always Carole, you sure know how to throw a party. Thanks for a super fun evening

  2. Your party looks fun and scary! Having fun is all that matters when it comes right down to it. The guys in beards could be the Red Sox!

  3. OK – that scary bitch is indeed scary!

    What great costumes! Halloween is my favorite too. I watched it last night for the first time this year.

  4. This looks (and undoubtedly tastes) fantastic. The mummy cheese looked so creative–could you make it in pimiento flavor–bloody mummy?

  5. I’m a real Halloween scrooge…but your party seems like just what I need to embrace the holiday! all those beards – did anyone come as a Red Sox player?

  6. Love your decorations. Halloween (the first one only) is my favorite scary movie. I’ve become a chicken though and can only watch it in daylight.

  7. Carole! You have been holding out on us!!! Macaroni & Cheese Muffins? I can’t believe you haven’t shared that recipe with your blog readers!

    This has nothing to do with Halloween, but have you seen these mittens:

    They are the easiest colorwork mittens ever! I have made two pairs so far. If our winter is as hard as “they” are predicting, I think everyone is going to need lots & LOTS of mittens.

  8. A few decorations are nice, as is good food and drink, but the most important thing is the people. It looks like a good time!

  9. It looks wonderful! My Halloween tubs didn’t make it out of the garage this year. I know your party was ghoulishly delightful!

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