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Wednesdays Are For Knitting: Christmas Monkey Socks

I haven’t talked about knitting on this blog in nearly a month. And I haven’t shown you a finished pair of socks since last year. Last year, people. That’s all about to change, though, because today I am not only going to talk about knitting but I am also going to show you a finished pair of socks.


christmas monkeys for carole knits

I call them my Christmas Monkey Socks. That’s a mash-up of the sock yarn color: Christmas Cactus and the sock pattern: Monkey Socks.

christmas monkey tops for carole knits

I started them back on 12/14/13. At that time I thought they would make great holiday knitting – mindless stockinette to get me through times of waiting in line and social events and such. But the yarn pooled terribly so I ripped and restarted them with this pattern.

christmas monkey texture for carole knits

I’m so glad I did. The colors look great and the texture – oh the texture! – is just gorgeous.

christmas monkey legs for carole knits

I finished on 1/24/13 and they’ve just been hanging around, waiting to be photographed so that they can be worn. That’s unfair treatment for a pair of socks as pretty as these.

christmas monkey edge for carole knits

I’m going to make it up to them by taking them with me to SPA. That’ll do the trick.

Comments (11)

  1. They are pretty! I always get grumpy when my sock yarn pools — but you found the perfect trick to make it work: texture! Love the happy, bright colors. You’ll have happy feet, for sure.

  2. The color of the yarn is spot on for its name! How fun to wear! They’re the perfect socks to wear when visiting with friends on a cold day.

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