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My weekend was great – but busy.

Actually, most of the weekend wasn’t busy but Sunday was.

And that’s my least favorite part of the weekend for busy stuff.

I like to leave Sunday for relaxing.

Hanging out with Dale.

Chilling and getting ready for the work week ahead.

This Sunday, though, was the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast.

And a Paint Nite fundraiser for Hannah and Jessica’s school.

It was all fun.

But all tiring.

Other stuff I did this weekend included

Reading. I finished Bellman & Black and started The Kitchen House.

Knitting. I am thisclose to finishing a pair of socks for the month.

Photographing. Look what was out there once I actually looked for them.

purple crocus for carole knits

How was your weekend?


Comments (12)

  1. The crocus didn’t dessert you or turn up too late in the season. At the moment, mine is covered with snow. 🙁
    Sunday’s are a good day to rest, but it sounds like your busyness was all for good causes. Hope you get a chance to put the feet up tonight.

  2. I don’t really like busy Sundays either. And we’ve got snow this morning…ugh. Good weekend though…Red Sox tickets picked for the season. Go Sox!

  3. I like to leave Sundays for a relaxed day too but that rarely happens. We were in NH again this past weekend and had fun despite all the rain!

  4. Not gonna lie, I’m a little bit jealous you found some flowers poking up! I woke up to an inch of sleet/slush this morning 🙁

    I can’t believe you haven’t read The Kitchen House yet! I loved it. In fact, my entire book club loved it. I hope you enjoy it too!

  5. When I was working I dreaded Sundays. I always had papers to correct or other classroom work to do. Now I love Sundays! Still waiting on my crocus here…sigh.

  6. those crocus(es?) are stunning. the contrast color in the Sundry I’m knitting my friend is called crocus, but I don’t think it captures the pure purple, white, green and yellow your photo does. your photo is much prettier! busy weekends do make difficult beginnings for the upcoming week. glad we have a fun April 1st to lighten things up!

  7. Lovely crocus shot! I spotted my first crocus earlier today. It made my heart SING! (And I hate busy-Sundays. . .)

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