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Ten On Tuesday

The weather is warmer, the days are longer and the call to be outside is strong! Here are Ten Things I Like To Do Outside.

al fresco for carole knits

  1. Read. Has to be a real book or my Kindle, though, because the iPad just doesn’t function well in bright sunlight.
  2. Knit. This goes without saying, doesn’t it?
  3. Spin. Only if it’s not too windy or I wind up with fluff all over the yard.
  4. Walk and Run. So much better outside than on the dreadmill at the gym.
  5. Have cocktails. We did this Saturday with friends and it was awesome.
  6. Eat. Everything tastes better outside, right? I love dining al fresco.
  7. Take pictures. Natural light is my favorite and I really enjoy walking outdoors with my camera.
  8. Ride my pretty, pretty cruiser bike. I’m really looking forward to being stronger after all the spinning classes I have taken this winter.
  9. Have a fire in the firepit. How come when the fire is inside and in our woodstove it’s work but outside it’s a party?
  10. Swing in a hammock. You can bet I will be doing this as much as possible next week.

And those are my 10 things I like to do outside. If you wrote a post for today please click the button below to add your link. As always, if you want to sign up for the Ten on Tuesday email then please click here.

Comments (12)

  1. I totally forgot about reading! Doing anything outside seems like heaven right about now. Except today with the rain! Good list!

  2. That looks like a nice summertime party waiting to happen on your deck… and I like it!! I’m having a hard time remembering what it’s like to enjoy being outside!

  3. Great topic, but you sure didn’t help with the spring fever! (It’s no fair to blame you when the weather gods dumped six inches of snow night before last).

  4. Dreadmill…love it!! So true!
    Natural light is the best for pictures. Altho summer sun can be a bit harsh.
    We have up to 3″ of snow forecast for tonight. Sigh. I think we have to wait awhile yet for weather nice enough to spend much time outside. My tulips are peeking through tho so they at least think spring is coming!

  5. My number 1 was read, and my number 2 was knit. 🙂

    I forgot about the natural light, too. Outside is where I take my best knitting/yarn pictures. The lighting in my house sucks.

  6. what a great list! and your outdoor photos are a dream… I forget what it must be like to take them in the winter 🙂 (wishing you many hammock hours next week!)

  7. What a great list! Your outdoor photos are beautiful – and I forget how hard that must be when it’s freezing outside! wishing you many happy hammock hours next week!

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