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A Month of Photos: August 2014

July has come to an end and, while there’s still several weeks of summer left, it’s a bittersweet feeling when August rolls around. The nights are cooler, the days are shorter, and school will be starting in a month. But July was full of summer fun and adventures and I have photographic proof!

july mosaic

Fourth of July and trips to the ocean and lobster and Jimmy Buffett and flowers and local tomatoes and long evenings spent on the deck.

I do love July.

Comments (9)

  1. it is fun to look back at all the months; July is definitely the brightest pop of color for the year! best wishes for more summer fun this month, too.

  2. I do love July too! Hoping August stays nice and hot and that fingers of fall do not reach in to spoil it.

  3. July is one of my favorite months! My birthday, knitting camp, 4th celebrations, and usually a visit from my Boulder daughter. No visit this year as the newly weds are leaving on Friday for 8 months in South America.

  4. I can’t believe July is gone. Once August rolls around it seems like summer disappears so quickly. I love the photo of Dixie having her treat <3

  5. Every time you post a month of photos, I am startled. Another month has raced by–what happened?

  6. July and August are both favorites of mine, but your monthly collage reminds me of how quickly summer flashes by. Love all the fun you have in your July montage.

  7. July is wonderful. I still haven’t figured out how we got to August already. And how did it get to be Thursday already… Time is just flying by…
    Wonderful pictures!!

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