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Fiber Revival 2014

I meant it when I said I wanted an uneventful weekend. That didn’t, however, mean I wanted a weekend without fun. And lo and behold, I had fun with my spinning and knitting friends at Fiber Revival.

Blogless Sharon and I were up and on the road Saturday morning at 8am and arrived in Newburyport at 9:30. Nice and early so that we would have all the time we needed to visit and shop and spin and knit. And we did all of that and then some!

revival vendors 2014

The vendors at this event are dear friends and it was fun to see them and buy from them – I may have once again succumbed to the persuasive powers of JessaLu, the beautiful batts that Josette dyes, and the gorgeous new gradient kits that Kim is offering. By the way, Manise and Kathy and Cheryl and I have decided that gradients are the new variegated. We have stated it so it must be so.

beer truck 2014

The very popular Ipswich Ale beer truck was on site with Summer Ale. And the lunch (I had the chipotle chicken pita pocket) was terrific.

Believe it or not, between all the eating, drinking, shopping & visiting, I still managed to find time to spin. And friends, I have not spun since SPA, I think, so I was way overdue to sit down at my wheel. As always when I spin, I enjoy it like crazy and wonder why I don’t do it more often.

The event may have ended at 4pm but the day wasn’t over for us – there was still dinner and a small group of us – let’s see, it was Kelly (organizer extraordinaire for this event) and Josette, Sharon and I, Diane (dear friend to all and best storyteller ever!),  Wendy (a new friend I made on Saturday), JessaLu and Heather of Mad Color and Terry –  went out for sushi and more chatting and talking, everything from books to yarn to designers and more. It was the perfect way to end this time with friends but – guess what? – it still wasn’t over because Sharon and I came back to my house and watched . . .

wait for it . . .

Episode One of Outlander on Starz. We loved it and I’m so glad we got to watch it together since Sharon is the one who first told me about this book series and I’m so grateful she did. I may have had to clean the drool off my couch once we were done watching but it was worth it, I’ll tell you that.

So, to recap my Saturday:

friends, wool, knitting, alpacas, beer, lunch, shopping, spinning, gossiping, sushi, Outlander, Jamie Fraser, tequila.

What more could a girl ask for?

Comments (18)

  1. So wish I could have joined you guys this year! Hopefully next year I’m able to go. Sounds like the perfect day.

  2. You had a perfect Saturday! I was so bummed out about missing it – my stomach told me to stay home. Ugh…

    I recorded Outlander but haven’t watched yet. I’m up to chapter 7 in the first book so I’m waiting as long as I can to watch!

  3. It’s hard not to have green eyes–you have so many fiber events in close proximity–just add beer, good friends and a few $$$$ for shopping–what could be better!

    Now I’m going to pop over to Kim’s and check out her gradient yarn!

  4. OH NO!!!!!!!!!! I totally missed the Fiber Fest this year. Usually Julia sends out some sort of notification, but I didn’t get one, and I’m sorry. (Not that I “need” any more yarn…..)

    Found the first Outlander in paperback at the supermarket, and I’d been wanting to read it. Only the first episode of the TV rendition was free online – fabulous!. Pretty randy for TV, doncha think? Not that I’m complaining…. Sadly, we do not get Starz, because I was definitely hooked.

  5. You do it again and again, have a grand time with friends! Gatherings are so much fun and your kicking off the fiber festival season in style!! I’m slightly envious!!

  6. I was so bummed that I had to miss it this year. I had college shopping to do and I was in Newburyport later that day for dinner. Wish I saw you! Next year for sure!

  7. It was so good to see you and even better I get to see you in a few days! I’m contemplating bringing my schact with me. 🙂

  8. Sounds like the perfect weekend! I was sorry to miss Fiber Revival AGAIN, but had to stay in and rest and shake off this endless summer cold. You were already in Newburyport by the time I got out of bed on Saturday, I am sad to say. It was the right decision but sometimes being a responsible adult sucks.

  9. It was a fun day and so good to see you all! Next time I’ll remember to bring my chair.

  10. whoa, I am REALLY late to this party! have to say your Saturday looked amazing… fiber, friends, a bit of booze and Outlander? yep, that’s my recipe for THIS coming weekend!

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