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Jimmy Buffett 2015

When last we met I was about to go to the Jimmy Buffett concert and then immediately on to our annual Cape Cod vacation. Guess what? That’s just what I did. So, taking things in chronological order, I shall recap our tailgating and concert day first.

I’ve said it before but in case you don’t remember, going to see Jimmy Buffett is one of my favorite things I do all year. I love the tailgating, I love the show, I love the whole entire experience. (Well, except for those nasty portable toilets but that’s a whole nother story.)

dale and the 3 masted jeep for carole knits

As usual, we converted my Jeep into a pirate ship. And that’s cool. But you know what? It’s a lot of work. Dale spends time before the concert getting it ready and then it has to be all assembled in the parking lot. On a day that’s made for fun this just sort of feels like . . . work. All this is a long way of saying that we have decided the 3 masted Jeep made it’s final appearance at this year’s tailgating event. And so, we made the most of it!

carole and joanne buffett 2015 for carole knits

carole and doreen buffett 2015 for carole knits

We posed with the usual suspects along with the addition of some new tailgating superstars.

tailgate group 3 buffett 2015 for carole knits

best jello shots ever for carole knits

Dressing up as a pirate is great fun but this year’s weather was incredibly hot. I bailed on my costume by late afternoon. I didn’t bail on the fun, though. We had tequila and beer, jello shots and cheeseburgers, and as much fun as you can legally have.

doreen carole and joanne breaking the rules for carole knits

Or illegally have, if you’re going by the rules posted on that there sign.

workin and playin stage buffett 2015 for carole knits

Anyway. It was a fantastic day and it lived up to all of my expectations, as did the concert. Jimmy Buffett never disappoints me, he is an entertainer extraordinaire and his song selection at this show included several of my favorites.

The show ended just as the skies opened up and the rain came down. We huddled under a pop up, eating licorice and cookies and reminiscing on what a fun day it had been. The ride home was a damp and chilly one but the memories of a fantastic day kept us warm.

dale the pirate buffett 2015 for carole knits

Okay, not really. It was cold! But still, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. And my favorite pirate wouldn’t have either.

Comments (10)

  1. You kinda expect a little ‘illegal’ behavior from a lot of scallywags and pirates, don’t you?! Welcome back! You were missed.

  2. Is that where we last left you!? It seems so long ago now. That was summer, now it’s almost fall and summer vacations are over. It’s nice to read your posts once again. I’ve missed you!

  3. The Jeep looks great but I can imagine it is quite the project. And I don’t blame you for bailing on the costume. It was a sticky day for sure. Until the rain came. I was watching my weather app and praying it skipped you guys but it wasn’t looking good! I heard lots of stories of soggy rides home this year. Glad you had a blast.

  4. Oh, cool! Our oldie-but-goodie fantastic performer was Tom Rush–but indoors, no costumes and no refreshments. Great view, though!

  5. That pirate-Jeep is The Coolest. But I can see why you might rather not have to deal with it, there in the parking lot and all. So glad you’re back. Can’t wait to hear all your adventures. XO

  6. welcome back!!! I listened to XM’s Margaritaville station all day that Saturday and had fun thinking of you at the concert 🙂

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