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Around Town With Kym

I have had such a good time with Kym these last few days. I knew I would – we’d spend time together a few years ago at Margene’s – but it’s been even better than I thought it would be. We have talked and talked – in fact, she’s probably heard way more about my life and my family than she ever wanted – and we’ve really gotten to know each other.

Here are the highlights of the things we’ve done – nothing terribly exciting but very Massachusetts-in-autumn, if you will.

cranberry harvest for carole knits

We took a drive to Plymouth. On the way we saw a few cranberry bogs being harvested. It’s always great when someone visiting can experience this and for me, well, it never gets old.

While in Plymouth we saw The Mayflower and, of course, the iconic Plymouth Rock. There’s nothing quite like showing off that little gem.

pear margarita for carole knits

We also had a delicious lunch at The Blue Eyed Crab. The pear and cilantro margaritas are fantastic.

central cemetery for carole knits

Yesterday we pretty much hung out at my house. I had more ambitious ideas for the day but, well, we got to talking and the next thing I new it was after 1pm. So we went for a walk around my town. I showed Kym our town common and cemetery and pointed out the various highlights of our history.

martinis for two for carole knits

We enjoyed a martini together before dinner, chatting with Dale and snacking on cheese and crackers.

apple pie for carole knits

I made a yummy dinner (pot roast, my go-to company main course) and an apple pie for dessert. I must admit, that apple pie was pretty perfect.

It’s really been a terrific time and today I will be delivering Kym to Patty and from there they will go on to Rhinebeck.

It’s so great when your imaginary friends turn out to be just like you’d hoped.


Comments (8)

  1. Sounds like a fantastic couple of days – so glad you and Kym had the opportunity to get together 🙂

  2. My two favorite bloggers hanging out together! So glad you enjoyed your time together and you were able to share the beauty of our New England fall with Kym!

  3. Some day I must see a cranberry bog. Your time together sounds just like old friends meeting and having a relaxing and joyful day together. Miss you both SO MUCH! When I come I want an apple or a blueberry pie, too! xox

  4. I love that last line…what a blessing that y’all were able to spend time together in person. and fall in New England is the perfect backdrop.

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