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Ten On Tuesday

As you know, Kym was here visiting last week. And she is a champion of Ten On Tuesday. Not only is she a regular participant but she frequently texts me with suggestions for topics. This week’s topic, as you may have surmised, is a direct result of a conversation we had last week, and I think it’s a useful one: 10 Things You Put In Your Travel Tote Bag.
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  1. A small purse/wallet. I don’t like to carry multiple bags so this is a must for me.
  2. Lip balm. Probably Blistex.
  3. Tissues. You never know when a sneezing fit is going to hit.
  4. An umbrella. Not all the time, this will depend on the weather forecast.
  5. A small shawl/scarf. Again, depending on the weather forecast.
  6. Sunglasses.
  7. My Kindle. It’s lightweight enough to keep with me and it makes for good entertainment for moments of down time.
  8. Sock knitting. I never mind waiting if I have my knitting with me.
  9. A bottle of water and a snack.
  10. Hand lotion. My current favorite is Burt’s Bees Milk and Honey body lotion. It’s very lightly scented and not greasy at all.

And that’s about it. You’ll notice I didn’t mention my cell phone. That’s because – like many of you, I’m sure – it’s always in my hand!

If you wrote a post for today please include a link to it below so that we can all come and read it. As always, if you’d like to sign up for the weekly Ten On Tuesday topic, please click here.

Comments (16)

  1. Much like my bag. I am a paperback girl though. Lighter, never have to turn it off, if I drop it or lose it no big deal.

  2. That bag is beautiful! I think with the things in your bag you’ll be well prepared for almost any situation you might find yourself in. Also, thanks for the good non-greasy hand lotion recommendation!

  3. Birds of a feather. . . I was struck by how many things you bring are also in my bag, and the other commenters feel the same way. I guess we knitter/readers have it down. My favorite thing on your list is lip balm, gotta have lip balm!

  4. As a chow hound, I would add a snack–you just never know. An energy bar, or small bag of nuts, maybe some dried fruit…you just never know. My Kindle is on my iPad but I am considering a Kindle because it’s so much lighter.

  5. I also include a folded tiny bag to carry purchases and other items I might pick up along the way.

  6. This travel weekend I had a wallet, small make-up bag, travel sized hand lotion (Aveeno Skin Relief), gum especially after eating at the Mediterranean Grill at Detroit Metro, cell phone, knitting project (Entrelac Scarf) , jewelry for the wedding events ( too many horror stories of ripped off jewelry by baggage claim), tissues, eye glasses wipes, and my Deep End scarf peeking out at the top of it all. Love it’s softness and bright colors. Oh and a bar of dark chocolate to share on the flight.

  7. I haven’t posted in a long while. Happy to see many people still here – and yep, minds are following the same paths. Fun as usual.

  8. I love your bag, what brand is that? Great list. Will have to look for that hand lotion as I have bought a ton looking for the perfect non greasy, just right for me one.

  9. that bag is gorgeous! I would certainly have knitting and lip balm, but not an umbrella. I almost never have one when it rains. yep, I get wet a lot 😉

  10. OMG what kind of bag is that? I. WANT. In addition to my wallet and sock knitting, I also carry one of those small phone chargers, a folded-up reusable shopping bag, Advil & Excedrin, a small notebook & pen, and believe it or not, small plastic bottles of balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and a travel shaker of ‘Real Salt’. Doin’ the low-carb thing so I’m always ready for a salad. Like you, umbrella / shawl added as needed, and sometimes my iPad.

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