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Sundays Are For Selfies

I’m not big on self portraits. I’m very critical of the way I look and I’m much more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it. But, this essay come to mind and I think – get in the picture, just get in the damn picture. So, in the spirit of that, and because I need something to fill up the blog for the month of November, on Sundays I will be posting selfies.

First up:

fall leaves selfie for carole knits

Of course, I’m barely in that one and it doesn’t take any guts to post it. But the leaves are falling and I’m enjoying the scenery and I love those cowboy booties. It’s a good slice of my life in October photo.

Next up:

spinning shoes selfie for carole knits


More shoes? Yes. But these are my spinning shoes and I went to spin class on Saturday morning for the first time in, oh, forever. Definitely photo worthy because it took guts to go back. And today my ass is sore (I forgot to wear the padded bike shorts, duh) and my legs are tired but my spirit feels good. So good.

And finally, the one that actually takes a bit of courage to share:

grieving selfie for carole knits

Hardly any make up. Red cheeks and sad eyes. I had  been crying and grieving about Bob when I took this one. It’s not flattering but it acknowledges and captures the way I was feeling, the way I still feel underneath even though it doesn’t show in such an obvious way – it’s always there. You know what I mean.

3 selfies, 3 moods, all me.


Comments (19)

  1. I remember reading that article, and it definitely changed the way I think about selfies and my own self-image. I now get into pictures more readily, and my mindset is that this is who I am, it’s taken me my whole life to get here and I’m still a work in progress! I’m glad you’re sharing selfies on Sundays 🙂

  2. That essay made me cry, as so much of my adult life is undocumented by photos, just like the author says. It looks like I wasn’t even there since I’m the one taking the photos. I’m not a big fan of how I look, but thanks for the motivation to change how I think about that. I love all your selfies; honesty and being human are far more important than being perfectly made up. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I like this post a lot. And I think that photo of you is a perfect one, since it is real and emotional.

    I have tried to take a selfie a few times just to see if I can get it right. I can’t even get myself in the picture properly when I try. That’s just sad … 🙂

  4. Oh yeah… I did most of one of those 365 selfie things a couple of years ago and learned a lot. We’re not always perfect… but we are perfectly us!!

  5. Your post is a wonderful reminder of being ourselves and we are ourselves every minute of every day. We may as well accept it. Thank you for posting you.

  6. I rarely post pictures of myself either. I took a funny one on Halloween. Maybe I’ll post it one day. Thank you for sharing yourself!

  7. Congrats on getting back on that (spin) bicycle! And, um, yeah, the bike shorts are kind of important.

    I like the last shot and think it is probably more flattering than you feel, and definitely an ‘in the moment’ image.

  8. I cried when I read that article…but how true! I’m afraid that our children’s generation will have few pictures in the future since so many take pictures with their cell phones…and never get any pictures developed. My passport picture looks exactly the same as the third picture of you…overcome with grief but gut wrenchlying true and honest. And yes…I know. So many hugs to you and Dale.

  9. The photo of you is sweet and vulnerable. I felt honored that you would trust us with such an emotional photo. And it is beautiful.

  10. Yes. Get in the picture! I can’t wait to see your selfies this month. (And maybe I’ll pick up a trick or two. Because when I take a selfie? Wow. Always distorted in terribly unflattering ways!)

  11. I have a super hard time with getting in front of a camera, mostly because I hate my teeth, but it always makes me feel bad when my kids say “Mom, there are no pictures of you to put up on Mother’s day”, so I get it.

    Good for you for doing this!!

  12. Thank you for the link to the essay and this post. I didn’t allow many pictures of myself to be taken when I was pregnant with my son. Sadly I was never able to have another child. I’m sorry that vanity and feeling uncomfortable with my shape won out. I have been working to change that about myself. I am who I am, scuffs and all. You look beautiful and brave, bearing one of life’s most difficult times. Thank you for putting yourself out there…it gives me courage to do the same.

  13. Brave woman, you are. Not because it is a bad photo, but because you didn’t fix up for it. It shows exactly how you feel. Thank you.

  14. this seems like the perfect way to kick off a month of blogging. we’re all going to see/share way more about our “real” selves, I’m sure. you are beautiful inside and out – and I look forward to knowing you better. and thank you for the link to that moms in the picture essay. powerful stuff.

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