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Ten On Tuesday
Sometimes I think and think and just can’t come up with a topic. This week was one of those times but I finally just thought, you know what? I have some favorite things. And if I have some favorite things then my friends probably also have some favorite things. And maybe some of my favorite things could become someone else’s favorite things if we talked about them. And so, today, I am sharing with you 10 of My Favorite Things Right Now.
- The Calm app. I’m using this for daily meditating. I’ve done the 7 Days of Calm and I’m currently working through the 21 Days of Calm. Meditating has done more to help my heartburn issues than Prilosec ever has.
- The Polaroid ZIP Mobile Printer. So quick and easy to print out a picture from my iPhone. The paper uses zero ink and has a peel off back to instantly make the photo into a sticker. Fun!
- The Instant Pot. Yes, I’m still using it regularly and I’m still loving it.
- Our new bird feeding station. We now have feeders right outside our kitchen windows and I just love seeing the birds up close.
- Our Fiesta dishes. So colorful and pretty!
- My Stopover sweater. Yes, I finished in time to block it and take it on vacation. I wore it 3 times, in fact! Pictures soon, I promise.
- My new hat. It’s in the last photo on yesterday’s post. I bought it at the Tenement Museum and it’s warm and comfortable and maybe my most favorite hat ever.
- Dr. Brandt DNA Cream. Sephora sent me a free sample and this stuff is, quite simply, ah-maze-ing. It’s also $155 a jar. Ummmm. If anyone goes to Sephora and gets this stuff and wants to send it to me – well – just lemma know, mmmkay?
- Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream. I bought a rollerball on a whim when we were in Vegas and it’s been my favorite perfume ever since.
- Manhattans. Now. I am a long time lover of the dirty vodka martini. But. In the winter I crave whiskey more than vodka and there’s nothing quite like a good Manhattan. I had several last week while in Manhattan (one of which is pictured above) and that just seemed oh-so-appropriate.
So there’s my list. I’m looking forward to reading about your favorite things right now.
If you wrote a post for today please include your link below.
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I’m fairly sure that several of your favorite things are destined to become mine also! The Calm app sounds like just what I’ve been looking for, and I think I owe it to myself to also try a Manhattan. That one is so pretty! The idea of drinking a Manhattan in Manhattan while wearing a new hat has me chuckling this morning (it doesn’t take much!)
I love Fiestaware! I don’t own any, but I love it and would happily take a set. The hard part would be choosing a color or colors! 🙂
I loved this week’s topic. It was so fun to write about. But I do favorite posts on my blog now and then anyway. I thought “Hey, a monthly list of ten favorites would be a fun idea!” when I read your prompt for today.
Have a great week!
What a gorgeous Manhattan! (I love Manhattans. I don’t drink them often, but they are a favorite.) Great list – and fun topic all around, Carole! XO
I love watching birds at the feeder, too. It is super entertaining!
Mmmmm-Manhattan’s! Yes, they are so yummy. And, appropriately appropriate while in Manhattan! 🙂
Calm – hmmm, this is interesting! Coupled with watching birds – this could be the best stress reliever ever!
I’ve been drinking Manhattans also. I generally do Southern Comfort (my real favorite) or Makers Mark but I just had my first Jack Daniels (ever) Manhattan and it was quite delish! Great list Carole!
I agree – winter time makes me crave whiskey. I had some Maple whiskey at spinning last week and it was quite tasty. Meditation is a wonderful thing. I had no idea they had an app for that.
Manhattan in Manhattan! Of course! We’ve talked about collecting Fiesta wear but haven’t committed. I love the colors! Your look great in your new hat!
Do you think we might be hat whores? We love to abandon the familiar with something new and different. This was a fun list–I’m ready to load Calm and pondering what could be so great about Dr, Brant DNA cream. And let’s not forget Manhattans–my very favorite drink. The first alcoholic drink I ever sipped was a Manhattan–many boozy years ago!
Oh I forgot all about my birdfeeders!!! I want a Poloroid Zip printer. But first I need to get an iPhone!
You always have the best lists.
Absolutely adore the hat! 🙂
I’ve never had a Manhattan, I think I must remedy that!
A great prompt – a great list! I think I need to look into that Calm app. Love your hat from your NY adventures!
Love this topic and list! I may need to do one (tho I guess it’s barely Tuesday anymore). So many good things. I noticed that excellent hat on IG. And, that printer–how big are the photos?
Like Bonny said, these lists are definitely inspiring me to try a few new things…and to get cherries so I can make a manhattan this weekend!