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suitcase for carole knits

Here’s the quickest weekend update ever because I have about 2 seconds available right now for the blog. Ready?

SPA? Fantastic, as always.

The Oscars? Terrific. Great job by Chris Rock and Spotlight won Best Picture!!!

The end.

Comments (12)

  1. Your sweater is gorgeous…please model! Love the pencils…presumably for your journal? I’m a sucker for all things stationery…from beautiful note paper to pens, pencils, markers…have fun with them! Looking forward to hearing about SPA…what was your very favorite thing about the weekend?

  2. Your weekend looked fabulous! Looking forward to more SPA info and if you had time for the colored pencils. Chris Rock rocked it as did Lady GaGa!

  3. Ooooh! Coloring! Looks fun!

    I loved, loved, loved Chris Rock’s opening monologue!

    I also loved your photo updates of the weekend – looks like you had a fantastic time! 🙂

    Happy Monday, dear Carole, may it be gentle and over quickly!

  4. Your Stopover colors are grand! Congrats on banging it out!
    Not impressed with Chris Rock, turned it off before they started the awards. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, rolling eyes

  5. Awesome weekend as always! Many thanks for letting me try on your Stopover. I love it!

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