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Ten On Tuesday

A week or so ago I received an email from Deborah of A Delightful Glow with a great suggestion for a Ten On Tuesday topic: 10 Things I Love to do Outside. Her timing couldn’t have been better, honestly. Spring is here and, while it’s still not warm all the time, it’s warmer than it’s been and I’m itching to get outside. Here’s the list of things I love to do when I’m outside:

outside mosaic

  1. Read. I love going out on the deck and reading an afternoon away.
  2. Spin. There’s just something really peaceful about spinning outside. I like to knit anywhere but spinning outside is particularly special.
  3. Drink cocktails. No surprise here.
  4. Eat dinner. Dining al fresco is my favorite thing ever. It’s relaxed and easy and everything tastes better when eaten outside.
  5. Walk. I’m lucky that I have sidewalks all around me.
  6. Play Yard Yahtzee. SO much fun! Other outdoor games are good, too, but this is my new favorite.
  7. Soak up some sun. I kinda can’t wait.
  8. Ride my bike. It’s not great bike riding around my neighborhood but when we’re on vacation riding my bike outside is the bomb.
  9. Take photographs. You all know I love me some natural light. And there’s always something pretty to shoot.
  10. Drive the Mustang convertible. I can’t wait!

Bring on the warm weather and the long lazy days outside!

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P.S. Thanks, Deborah, for the topic idea! New ideas area always welcome and appreciated.

Comments (13)

  1. Your list has me looking forward to doing so many of those things outside, and I think my real favorite would be reading outside on the porch and drinking a cocktail!

  2. I have several similar things on my list! 🙂 I love spring.

    I like your photos ~ especially the bike one! And the outdoor table looks fun to sit down at and savor!

  3. Along with the eating outside, there is the cooking outside…which I love! Bring on the s’mores lol!

  4. Um. Yard Yahtzee? My family has horses, so I can’t help but imagine this game in a way I’m sure it wasn’t intended…

  5. yeah, EVERYthing is better outside…and yay for the convertible! this was a fun topic – I’m sure we all have a heavy case of Spring fever now 😉

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