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Hello, hello! How was your weekend? Mine was spent mostly with Dale and was entirely fun.

mad for plaid for carole knits

There was shopping. Yes, we bought all the shirts and the shorts, too. Plaid is his favorite color, after all.

littlenecks and beer for carole knits

And there was eating and drinking. Littlenecks and beer.

friday night snacks for carole knits

Friday night snacks, of course.

mcguiggans pint for carole knits

And some lunch and a pint.

decisions decisions for carole knits

There was home improvementing. (I’ve decided that’s a verb.) Including finishing the paint in the bathroom, making a decision on a new floor, and purchasing fun stuff like new towels.

And there was plenty of relaxing including knitting (socks and that interminable scarf), tv watching (Outlander and Call the Midwife) and reading (Brooklyn and The Children Act.)

It all came together to be a most excellent weekend at home. How about you? How was your weekend and what did you do?

Comments (8)

  1. I love Dale and his plaid – those shorts are my favorite! I had a most excellent weekend, too – highlights included a Saturday morning run, knitting with friends and Game of Thrones.

  2. Shopping for plaid would be so much fun! I am in a swirl of decision about my own bathroom improvement project. Wish you were here to help decide on tile! I did a whole lotta reading this weekend and enjoyed every word!

  3. Boys…they definitely know what they like to wear. Talking them into something is definitely a coup! Your weekend looks delicious!

  4. It all looks lovely…the clothes…the beer…the food…another pint…ahhhhhh. My weekend was spent on bathrooms as well but instead of fun remodeling it was non-fun cleaning. That and the kitchen floor. Oy vey, it had been way too long. However, I made sure to have time for reading, napping and knitting as well as a bit of wine sipping. Enjoy your week!

  5. Looks like fun! And I love that tile that looks like wood on the right…I would love to do something with that in my house (but it’s a log house and we are already drowning in wood).

  6. LOVE the plaid. There were some chores, packing, purging, knitting and a 30 mile bike ride. A good blend of work and fun

  7. Spent much of the weekend waiting hand-and-foot on my sister who was recovering from outpatient surgery. It was nothing major, but she had some restrictions and I was there to help. I also spent a lot of time watching movies, cooking & eating, and sewing!!

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