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Here’s some stuff that is running through my head right now . . .

homemade ricotta for carole knits

Making: Lots of meals in the Instant Pot as well as yogurt on a regular basis. Sunday I made homemade ricotta with the whey from the yogurt and it was fantastic. I roasted some tomatoes and served them alongside the ricotta with toasted baguette slices. So good! (And pictured above, in case you hadn’t figured that out.)

Planning: Raised beds for outside the kitchen door. The CSA we have belonged to for several years isn’t happening this year and I (can’t believe I’m saying this) want to grow tomatoes. And basil. That may be it but it’s a start.

Mourning: A long time board member died unexpectedly last week. I had just seen him the day before and it’s just hard to comprehend that life can end so quickly.

Anticipating: A fun weekend ahead with friends. There will be eating and drinking and good music!

Choosing: Paint color for the new guest room. I’m thinking Valspar Winter In Paris.

Reading: Ruby by Cynthia Bond. Heavy. But good. I’ve been reading (a lot!) and I’ll do an update on the books I’ve finished soon.

Watching: Game of Thrones. Isn’t everyone? And Outlander. If everyone isn’t then they should be.

Hoping: That the plantar fasciitis that has plagued me since last October is gone. It’s improved incredibly in the past few weeks. Do I dare start walking outside again?

Taking: Newborn photos. So much fun and my favorite type of photo shoot.

That’s all I’ve got for today!




Comments (11)

  1. Is it my imagination? It seems like there are at least 10,000 variations on gray/grey in paint these days. Glad everyone can probably find what they want, but parsing them is just crazy.

  2. Glad to hear that nasty PF is better! I know that pain! And I actually decided this morning that Outlander Season 1 is next on my watch list. A workmate just finished it and we’ve been talking the story. I’m going in!

  3. I like that color very much – and the name is appropriate! I have my fingers crossed that your PF has moved on to a far and distant land – and will not be back. Ever!

    And, gardening – tomatoes and basil are the perfect place to start!

  4. I love anything that has the word “Paris” in it!! I’m not watching Game of Thrones – or Outlander – LOL! Just not my thing for some reason. But it sure is popular!!

    Linda in VA

  5. So sorry you are dealing with another loss. Am very close to acquiring an instapot, and it’s nice to know it can be so versatile. Love-Love the grey!

  6. What did you finally end up doing for the plantar fasciitis? Mine is better but still mean… I saw a podiatrist who put me in a night splint, orthotics and new running shoes. I thought by now I would be able to walk regularly but no go yet.

  7. I love that color! It will be just beautiful. Tomatoes and basil are great place to start gardening. I love my just-outside-the-kitchen door herb garden. I really enjoyed Ruby (although it’s not gonna be for everyone. . . ). And I am so very sorry you’re having to deal with another loss. XO
    (P.S. I don’t watch either Game of Thrones OR Outlander. Will you still be my friend?)

  8. Yum.

    That’s pretty much all I grow: tomatoes & basil in containers and planters. Rusty planted lettuce last year and is planning a raised bed for it this year.

    Gorgeous color!

  9. The winter (?) storm track can’t stop messing with Colorado. Hope you easterners are getting some sun!

  10. these are my favorite posts – I love all the updates! and that paint color…seems perfect for a restful guest room. I am finally getting back to GoT; I’ll be caught up to the new season before Sunday (hopefully) Good luck with the walking because of course you need to get bsck out there!

  11. You’ve got a lot going on. Tomatoes and basil are the best things to grow. You might throw in a hot pepper so you can make salsa, too. Have a wonderful weekend! I know I’m behind, but I know who you’ll be hanging with…yay!!!!

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