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Right Now

As I get ready for my vacation I think it’s appropriate to catch you up on what’s going on. Right now.

girls night snacks for carole knits

Eating: Cheese and crackers, salami, lots of tomatoes and basil. You know, the usual.

Relishing: The rain that is falling. We need it badly. Let’s just hope that any rain that falls over the next 2 weeks is only at night. Mmmkay?

Watching: The Olympics, of course.

Avoiding: Spoilers on Facebook and news feeds about medal winners. Seriously, people, keep it to yourself so that those of us who can only watch during prime time don’t know the results ahead of time.

Pondering: Why there is so much sexism regarding the treatment of women athletes. Yes, we’ve come a long way baby but it’s clear we still have a very long way to go.

Working: On schedules and payrolls and annual statistical reports and all of the other things I need to get done before I clock out of here until 8/29.

Shopping: For items for the food pantry. July and August are difficult months for food pantries. If you’ve got one local to you it might be a good time to consider a donation.

Coordinating: holding the mail, holding the paper, lining up people to water the garden and flowers, etc etc etc.

Anticipating: VACATION!



Comments (12)

  1. We are available should you need help (just not the 15th, 16th or 17th. Let me know!

    We will miss you…have a great time.

  2. I’ve been pondering the female athlete ridiculousness and wondering if it is somehow backlash to having a female Presidential candidate. Not unlike some of the racial things that came up after Obama was elected. Or perhaps there are more idiots in the world than I like to think.

    On a brighter note, we can help feed folks in need, go do it! Kids are hit especially hard with school out. We always make a summer donation for these reasons.

  3. I too, am loving the Olympics, and I am also avoiding the spoilsports on FB, Twitter, and email news updates. Really. GRRRR!

    And, a good reminder for the Food Banks… also, this is a time of the year when kids need back to school things – back packs, notebooks, pencils, etc.

    Have a fantastic vacation!! And, yes – rain only at night! XOXO

  4. Have a wonderful time Carole!! Beautiful weather, delicious food, knitting and reading and cuddling time — enjoy.

  5. It seems that sexism is just plain deeply ingrained in our culture. I read an article rife with examples of sexism in the Olympic coverage–disheartening! Thanks for the reminder about food banks. I will definitely follow,through on this one!

  6. I love eating like that, only I don’t have salami, I have either pepperoni or ham. I only like to watch certain Olympic events. Thanks for the food back tip.

  7. I haven’t been able to watch as much Olympics as I’d like, but WOW what I’ve seen has been terrific. Enjoy your time off!

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