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Summer Lives On

You know the best thing about fall in New England? When it feels like summer! That’s what’s happening here this week and I love it.

I’m driving the Mustang with the top down.

I’m meditating outside.

I’m reading on the deck.

I’m picking tomatoes, basil and jalapenos.


And I’m setting out pumpkins next to blooming gerbera daisies.

Go figure.

Comments (9)

  1. That’s a beautiful gerbera daisy, and the rest of the Indian summer perks are great, but as a true fall-lover, 85 degrees is just too warm for mid-October!

  2. Catching up! Monday’s food pictures were salivating worthy! And the time outdoors a treasure because we all know what is coming next! Today’s sunshine and daisies–soul warming. I have returned from a glorious weekend in the mountains. Normally, at this time of the year, the aspen leaves and other foliage would be gone, gone, gone…but not this year. The mountain foliage was breathtaking. As we returned to our cabin on Sunday night, we came upon a bull elk with at least nine points on his antlers. One of his harem was with him…talk about breathtaking!

  3. it’s still warm here, but we certainly don’t have any gerbera daisies still blooming — whoa! it’s gorgeous in the golden light of fall!

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