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Watercolor Wednesday

We had ourselves a snow day yesterday and today it’s super cold and feeling like spring is very far away. This watercolor tulip photo is making me long for warm sunshine and growing things, that’s for sure. 

How’s your Wednesday?

Comments (10)

  1. No snow here. Still, longing for that early morning sunshine we lost with the time change. But it does seem like fair weather is on the way with the longer daylight. Stay cozy there!

  2. Too much snow and sleet here yesterday, and now it’s all frozen into an icy mess. The bitter cold and 30 mph winds today have also frozen my outlook, but you sure do know how to remind us beautifully that this will pass and spring will come!

  3. It’s cold and windy here – spring seems to have left us all behind! Those tulips are beautiful – if I didn’t know better, I’d say it was a warm sunny day outside that window 🙂

  4. Brrrrr…thank goodness we didn’t get any ice but the snow is certainly here again. You know what they say…beware the ides of March! Stay warm my friend!

  5. Snow, ice, winds, repeat. Oy vey! I did cut daffodil buds Monday night. They were extremely tight and I wasn’t sure they would open, but as of this morning there is a bit of yellow Spring on my windowsill! Love your tulips.

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